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Ac Tool Yardim


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Knight Online oynuyorum ac tool güzel kombo yapıyor kod asagıda. ama tuslara dısarda basıyor oyuna gecince basmıyor. neden olabilir ?

// This line is necessary to select the proper window

SetActiveWindow XTuniX Call

// This combo macro has been made by LaggingUdead //

// Credits go to gambLex for the helping me get an //

// idea of how it works, *Still in Testing Stages* //

SetActiveWindow Knight Online Client

Commanddelay 10

ObjVar 10

// Put first skill in first slot and //

// second on second slot, etc... //

// Note: This macro is for Warrior only //

Procedure ComboItUP

keydown r .4 sec

keydown 1 .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown 1 .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown 1 .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown 1 .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown r .4 sec

keydown 1 .4 sec


while 1=1

call ComboItUP


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set activate bölümü yanlış olabilir.

while 1=1
keydown r .4 sec
keydown 1 .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown 1 .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown 1 .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown 1 .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown r .4 sec
keydown 1 .4 sec

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Visual de bunlar var bi bak istersen


cb As Long

lpReserved As String

lpDesktop As String

lpTitle As String

dwX As Long

dwY As Long

dwXSize As Long

dwYSize As Long

dwXCountChars As Long

dwYCountChars As Long

dwFillAttribute As Long

dwFlags As Long

wShowWindow As Integer

cbReserved2 As Integer

lpReserved2 As Long

hStdInput As Long

hStdOutput As Long

hStdError As Long

End Type


hProcess As Long

hThread As Long

dwProcessID As Long

dwThreadID As Long

End Type

Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function CreateProcessA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpApplicationName As Long, ByVal lpCommandLine As String, ByVal lpProcessAttributes As Long, ByVal lpThreadAttributes As Long, ByVal bInheritHandles As Long, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, ByVal lpEnvironment As Long, ByVal lpCurrentDirectory As Long, lpStartupInfo As STARTUPINFO, lpProcessInformation As PROCESS_INFORMATION) As Long

Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long


Private Const INFINITE = -1&

Public Sub ExecCmd(cmdline$)



start.cb = Len(start)

' Shell the Application:

ret& = CreateProcessA(0&, cmdline$, 0&, 0&, 1&, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, 0&, 0&, start, proc)

' Wait for the shelled application to finish:

ret& = WaitForSingleObject(proc.hProcess, INFINITE)

ret& = CloseHandle(proc.hProcess)

End Sub


Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim today

Dim MyDate

today = Now ' önce bugünü bir değişkende saklıyoruz.

MyDate = #7/14/1999# 'programın çalışacağı tarih

Date = MyDate ' Change system date.

ExecCmd "notepad.exe" 'istenen programın çalışması

MsgBox "Program sonlandırıldı.", vbExclamation, "Terminated!" 'program kapandıktan sonra mesaj çıkıyor.

Date = today ' tarih eski zamanına alınıyor.

End Sub[/CODE]

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