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Tightvnc 2.8.59


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TightVNC is here to assist you in any remote controlling job you might need getting done, with both server and client tools to make use of.

VNC refers to virtual network computing and usually helps you quickly and easily access the desktop of another computer in order to solve the problems that other users just cannot fix by themselves. It doesn't always have to be an issue needing a repair, it can also be the perfect channel for interactive lessons and tutorials.
In the past, you would have to access a special PC that connected to the network and provided assistance for other computers. Nowadays, if a proper setup has already been made, you can connect to another PC from thousands of miles away using a VNC client.

TightVNC is such an application suite consisting of two interoperable components. The server side is to be installed on the computer that requires aid and the router (if connected through one) should be also configured to allow the computer to be discoverable from the outside through specific ports.

The second component, the client, can be rapidly run from any other PC and connected to the server just by entering the correct IP address and password. You can also run an additional tool such as No-IP DUC in order to make sure you always connect to that computer, in case its Internet connection does not provide it with a static IP address.

To sum it all up, TightVNC is a pretty nifty program that, although not recommended for novice users, does not take a long to figure out and once you get the hang of it, you can add it to your arsenal of useful software that does the job it is intended to effortlessly.



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