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Jeppesen Cycle Dvd 2024 Full World


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Jeppesen Cycle DVD 2024 Full World | 3.29 GB

A program for planning and calculating the flight route of an aircraft (helicopter) using aeronautical information maps from Jeppesen. Allows you to automatically plot and calculate a route for a certain type of aircraft. Consists of three parts. Updated every two weeks. JeppView program - reference material in electronic form, you can also print the necessary airport layouts - all Jeppesen (maps, airport layouts, etc.), FliteStar / FliteMap - a program for automatic planning and calculation of a flight route, print a logbook with a flight calculation, it is also possible to connect a GPS and use it as a navigator, FliteDeck - a GPS navigator for use in flight (requires a GPS receiver). Includes everything you need for installation.

Add. information: Coverage Code - Full Worldwide: 177DF18022

For other coverage codes, see below.
First installation
If you are installing the program for the first time and your system has not been installed before, use the following code for the registry:
The code:
After the program is installed, for the first launch, select "Active by phone" and enter the following code:
The code:
There are specific coverage codes for each cycle.
Also, I recommend using the C drive for installation (this can cause problems if you are installing elsewhere).

Usage Notes

The installer will prompt you to install the Jeppesen CDA Service. This is not required to use JeppView 3 and probably not required to use JeppView for Windows. This will mostly cause you problems, so I recommend canceling this part of the setting when it appears.
After installing updated data, JeppView 3 may still complain about stale data. To fix this problem, go to:
The code:
C: \ ProgramData \ Jeppesen \ FliteDeck3
and copy the entire "EnrouteData" folder to:
The code:
C: \ ProgramData \ Jeppesen \ JeppView3
Overwrite on request.
As you enter coverage code sequences from the Easy Entry list below, you will notice that the setting does not display new coverage areas after a while. This is fine because the installer will actually install all of the areas for which you entered codes, even if they do not appear in the window.

Other coverage codes
The code:

Africa => 177DF18021
Africa - Military Supplement is => 177DK18020
Alaska You => 177GI18047
the All Europe => 177DP18016
Americas - Military Supplement is => 177DC18020
The Atlantic Special the Manual Transatlantic => 177DH18021
Australasia => 177DD18023
Australia => 177DL18019
Austria => 177DD18024
BUNDLE - the APAC = > 177DB18030
BUNDLE - All Europe & Atlantic => 177BJ18026
BUNDLE - Americas => 177DJ18018
BUNDLE - EMEAI => 177DJ18026
BUNDLE - Latin & South Americas => 177GJ18034
BUNDLE - Middle & Far East => 177GB18046
BUNDLE - North America => 177BJ18018
BUNDLE - Pacific => 177HB177998>
Brazil => 177HB177998> Brazil => 177HB177998> Brazil
=> 177DI18023
Canada - Alaska => 177DE18023
Canada - East => 177DA18023
Canada - West => 177BI18031
Canada - West / Alaska => 177DI18031
Caribbean => 177DD18022
Central Europe => 177DP18024
China => 177DE18021
Eastern Europe => 177DG18023
Eastern Europe Special Manual => 177DK18023
Europe => 177BP18016
Europe - Mediterranean => 177DH18020 =
Europe - 177DH18020> MilitaryD7 Supplement1
Far East => 177DL18031
France => 177DL18028
Of Full Worldwide => 177DF18022
Germany => 177DD18020
Hawaii You => 177DL18023
India => 177DJ18023
Italy => 177DH18024
Latin America => 177DH18022
Mexico => 177DL18022
Middle East and South Asia => 177DF18023
Middle East and South Asia - Military Supplement is => 177DK18016
the New Zealand => 177DD18031
North Sea => 177DD18028
Northern Europe => 177DL18024
Northern South America => 177DC18021
Pacific Basin => 177DH18023
Pacific Basin - Military Supplement is => 177DK18024
The Scandinavia => 177DL18016
South Africa => 177DJ18021
South America => 177DG18021
Southern South America => 177DK18029
Spain => 177DD18016
US the Ports of Entry - Latin America Supplement => 177DL18030
USA - 48 States => 177DF18020
USA - California & Nevada => 183BJ18792
USA - Central => 177DJ18028
USA - Central & West => 177DJ18016
USA - East => 177DJ18020
USA - East & Central => 177DB18020
USA - Florida & Bahamas => 183GJ18804
USA - Great Lakes => 177DB18016
USA - Gulf of Mexico => 177BN18028
USA - High Performance 4000 => 177DN18024
USA - North Central => 177DB18028
USA - North Central & Great Lakes =>177DB18024
USA - Northeast => 177BJ18020
USA - Northwest => 177GJ18040
USA - South Central => 177DF18024
USA - Southeast => 177GJ18036
USA - Southeast & South Central => 177DN18028
USA - Southwest => 177BJ18024
USA - West => 177DJ18024
United Kingdom & => 177DL18020
VFR - Austria => 177BI18022
VFR - Belgium and Luxembourg => 177GI18038
VFR - Bosnia and Herzegovina => 177BA18022
The VFR - Canary Islands => 177BI18030
the VFR - Central Europe => 177DI18022
the VFR - Channel Islands => 177HI17994
the VFR - Croatia => 177GA18038
the VFR - Czech Republic => 177HI17990
the VFR - Denmark => 177BI18018
the VFR - Eastern Europe => 177DA18022
the VFR - Estonia => 177HA17990
VFR - Europe => 177DE18022
VFR - Finland => 177GI18034
VFR - France => 177CI18022
VFR - Germany => 177AI18006
VFR - Greece => 177CA18022
VFR - Hungary => 177AA18006
VFR - Ireland => 177BI18026
VFR - Italy and Malta => 177GI18046
VFR - Latvia => 177PA18022
VFR - Lithuania6 JA180> 177PA18022 VFR - Lithuania6JA180
VFR - Netherlands => 177PI18022
VFR - Norway => 177HI17986
VFR - Poland => 177IA18038
VFR - Portugal => 177HI17998
VFR - Scandinavia => 177DI18018
VFR - Serbia-Montenegro => 177IA18006
VFR - Slovakia => 177DA18038
VFR - Slovenia => 177AA18038
VFR - Southern Europe => 177DI18030
VFR - Spain => 177CI18030
VFR - Spain & Canary Islands => 177AI18014
VFR - Sweden => 177CI18018
VFR - Switzerland => 177DI18006
VFR - United Kingdom => 177GI18042
VFR - United Kingdom & Channel Islands => 177CI18026
VFR - United Kingdom & Ireland => 177DI18026
Venezuela => 177BC18021
World - Basic => 177DE18020
World - Basic [Airport Diagrams] => 177DI18020
Worldwide - Military Supplement => 177DG18020
Xpress USA - California => 180BJ19112
Xpress USA - Central => 177BJ18016
Xpress USA - East => 183BJ18788
Xpress USA - East Central => 177BB18016
Xpress USA - Florida => 180GJ19124
Xpress USA - Great Lakes => 177GB18032
Xpress USA - Michigan => 177HB17984
Xpress USA - Mid-Atlantic => 180BJ19108
Xpress USA - Mid-South => 180GJ18228
Xpress USA - North Central => 177BB18024
Xpress USA - Northeast => 180BJ18212
Xpress USA - Northwest => 183GJ18808
Xpress USA - South Central => 177GF18040
Xpress USA - Southeast => 180GJ17716
Xpress USA - Southwest => 180BJ18216
Xpress USA - Texas => 177HF17992
Xpress USA - West Central => 177BB18028

Easy input

177DF18021 177DK18020 177GI18047 177DP18016
177DC18020 177DH18021 177DD18023 177DL18019
177DD18024 177DB18030 177BJ18026 177DJ18018
177DJ18026 177GJ18034 177GB18046 177BJ18018
177HB17998 177DK18021 177DI18023 177DE18023
177DA18023 177BI18031 177DI18031 177DD18022
177DP18024 177DE18021 177DG18023 177DK18023
177BP18016 177DH18020 177DK18028 177DL18031
177DL18028 177DF18022 177DD18020 177DL18023
177DJ18023 177DH18024 177DH18022 177DL18022
177DF18023 177DK18016 177DD18031 177DD18028
177DL18024 177DC18021 177DH18023 177DK18024
177DL18016 177DJ18021 177DG18021 177DK18029
177DD18016 177DL18030 177DF18020 183BJ18792
177DJ18028 177DJ18016 177DJ18020 177DB18020
183GJ18804 177DB18016 177BN18028 177DN18024
177DB18028 177DB18024 177BJ18020 177GJ18040
177DF18024 177GJ18036 177DN18028 177BJ18024
177DJ18024 177DL18020 177BI18022 177GI18038
177BA18022 177BI18030 177DI18022 177HI17994
177GA18038 177HI17990 177BI18018 177DA18022
177HA17990 177DE18022 177GI18034 177CI18022
177AI18006 177CA18022 177AA18006 177BI18026
177GI18046 177PA18022 177DA18006 177JA18038
177PI18022 177HI17986 177IA18038 177HI17998
177DI18018 177IA18006 177DA18038 177AA18038
177DI18030 177CI18030 177AI18014 177CI18018
177DI18006 177GI18042 177CI18026 177DI18026
177BC18021 177DE18020 177DI18020 177DG18020
180BJ19112 177BJ18016 183BJ18788 177BB18016
180GJ19124 177GB18032 177HB17984 180BJ19108
180GJ18228 177BB18024 180BJ18212 183GJ18808
177GF18040 180GJ17716 180BJ18216 177HF17992

Release date : 2020
Version : 2024
Developer : Jeppesen Developer
Interface language : English
Tablet : not required
System requirements : Windows 7, 8, 10

What News?
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.






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