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Altova MapForce Enterprise 2007.1


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Altova MapForce Enterprise 2007


AltovaMapForce® 2007 is the premier data integration and Web services implementation tool. This award winning, visual data mapper converts data on-the-fly and auto-generates custom data mapping code in XSLT 1.0/2.0, XQuery, Java, C++, and C#. With the power to map any combination of XML, database, text, and/or EDI files, MapForce® 2007 is the definitive tool for advanced integration and Web services projects.

Today, the ability to seamlessly exchange information between internal business units, customers, and partners is vital for success; yet most organizations store and exchange information in a variety of dissimilar formats, such as EDI systems, flat files, databases, and XML-based applications. To efficiently leverage existing investments and interconnect business systems, organizations need the ability to map between these different data types and effectively convert their data in a standards-based, cost-effective manner.

Web services and custom data integration applications are two modern solutions that allow organizations to unify these disparate formats to enjoy the cost and competitive advantages of seamless information exchange. MapForce® 2006 uniquely lets you develop mappings between data formats in an intuitive, visual manner, then auto-generates the stylesheets or program code required to implement your Web services and custom data integration applications server-side.

The MapForce visual design paradigm means that you can create Web services and data integration applications - without having to write a line of code.

35.5 Mb




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Altova MapForce Enterprise v2008.2.2



Altova MapForce®; veri eşleme, dönüştürme ve entegrasyon aracıdır. MapForce;herhangi bir XML, veri tabanı, dosya, EDI, Excel 2007 (OOXML) ve/veya Web servis birleşimleri arasında eşleştirme yapar. Daha sonra veriyi anında dönüştürür ya da yinelenecek dönüştürme işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi için otomatik veri entegrasyon uygulaması kodu yaratır. Kod dönüştürme uygulamaları için XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, XQuery, Java, C#, and C++ dilleri desteklenir.

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