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Fedora 11 Final


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Fedora Core 6


The Fedora Project is an openly-developed project designed and sponsored by Red Hat and guided by the contributors, open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, following a set of project objectives. The goal of The Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to build a complete, general purpose operating system exclusively from open source software. Development will be done in a public forum. The Red Hat engineering team will continue to participate in building Fedora Core and will invite and encourage more outside participation than in past releases. By using this more open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community.

The operating system is Fedora Core. It comes out twice a year or so. It's completely free, and we're committed to keeping it that way. It's the best combination of robust and latest software that exists in the free software world.

Features of Fedora Core 6:

- There is a completely revamped appearance with a bubbly new theme and the first use of the new Fedora logo.

- Early work from the Fedora Rendering Project is integrated into the desktop. This new project (http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/RenderingProject) is going to provide the technical foundations for advanced desktop interfaces based on OpenGL.

- Popular desktop environments GNOME and KDE have innovative new versions included in this release. The GNOME desktop is based on the 2.14 release (http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-14/), and the KDE 3.5 desktop is the general 3.5 release (http://kde.org/announcements/announce-3.5.php).

- The latest versions of GNOME Power Manager (http://www.gnome.org/projects/gnome-power-manager/) and GNOME Screensaver(http://live.gnome.org/GnomeScreensaver/) provide new and integrated power management capabilities.

- The new GNOME User Share facility provides simple and efficient file sharing.

- Suspend to RAM support has also been improved due to infrastructure work done by the hibernate support.

- The previous graphical software management utilities have been replaced with the first versions of a new generation of tools. This release includes Pup, a simple interface for system updates, and Pirut, a new package manager that replaces system-config-packages. These build on the yum utility, to provide consistent software installation and update facilities throughout the system.

- This release of Fedora includes Mono support for the first time, and Mono applications such as Beagle, a desktop search interface; F-Spot, a photo management utility; and Tomboy, a note-taking application.

- You can now enjoy enhanced multimedia support with version 0.10 of the Gstreamer media framework. This milestone release brings major improvements in robustness, compatibility, and features, over previous versions of Gstreamer. The Totem movie player and other media software in this release have been updated to use the new framework.

- There is dramatically improved internationalization support with SCIM in Fedora Core 5. The SCIM language input framework provides an easy to use interface for inputting many different non-English languages. SCIM replaces the IIIMF system used in previous Fedora releases.

- The default Web browser is Firefox 1.5 (http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/releases/1.5.html), which has many new features for faster, safer, and more efficient browsing.

- The office applications suite OpenOffice.org 2.0 (http://www.openoffice.org/product/index.html) now makes better use of general system libraries for increased performance and efficiency.

- A large number of GTK and GNOME programs take advantage of the Cairo 2D graphics library (http://cairographics.org/), included in this release, to provide streamlined attractive graphical interfaces.

- There are new experimental drivers that provide support for the widely-used Broadcom 43xx wireless chipsets (http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/).

- This release includes libnotify, a library that features simple and attractive notifications for the desktop.

- Fedora Core 5 now uses gnome-mount, a more efficient mechanism that replaces fstab-sync, and uses HAL to handle mounting.

- Printing support is improved in this release with the inclusion of the hplip utility, which replaces hpijs.

What's New in Fedora Core 6:


There are a variety of additions to Fedora Core 6 that interesting to desktop users, including:

- A new theme is introduced, courtesy of the Fedora Artwork Project.

- The system's default font is now DejaVu, which increases Fedora's support for many languages that use the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic alphabets.

- The Compiz window manager provides better visual feedback and a variety of desktop effects, using the AIGLX framework. More information is available from the Fedora Rendering Project.

- Enhancements in package management by way of pirut and yum-updatesd, which combine to provide a notification applet, alerting the user when there is updated software available.

- A rewritten system-config-printer tool, which has several new features. Devices are detected on-demand as necessary, and support for per-user queues is available, so users can customize their printer settings without having to modify system-wide configurations. Additional technical details are available here and here.

- GNOME 2.16 and KDE 3.5.4, as well as the latest upstream versions of many standard open source applications, such as Firefox and OpenOffice.org.

- Fedora Core 6 includes Dogtail, which provides a graphical test and automation framework.

- Totem has replaced Helix Player as the default media player in Fedora Core 6.


- All Fedora Core applications have been rebuilt using `DT_GNU_HASH`, which provides a significant performance boost during start-up for applications using dynamic linking.

- This release improves package management and dependency solving by making dependencies as modular as possible. Packages rebuilt in this manner include beagle, evince, gnome-utils, and NetworkManager. More information is here.

- The performance of the Fedora's default ext3 filesystem has been boosted in recent versions of the 2.6 Linux kernel.

System Administration

- Arguably the most useful new feature in Fedora Core 6 are the improvements that have been made to Anaconda, the Fedora installer. At install-time, the user can specify third-party repositories, and if the install is network-aware, Fedora can reach out to those repositories and pull in additional packages. The obvious use case is accessing Fedora Extras, marking Fedora Core 6 as the release that tightens the integration between Core and Extras at install-time.

- IPv6 is supported in Anaconda.

- A graphical virtualization manager is included to simplify the creation and management of virtualized systems.

- SELinux is enhanced by means of a graphical troubleshooting tool and enhancements to the Nautilus file manager.

- Fedora now features integrated smart card capabilities, for secure authentication out of the box using the new Cool Key system.

- This release introduces a new tool, lvm2-cluster, for intuitively managing cluster volumes.

System Level Changes

- Fedora Core 6 ships with the 2.6.18 Linux kernel, and there are no longer separate kernels for multi-processor and single-processor architectures. A single kernel now automatically detects your processor.

- X.org 7.1 is included, and it dynamically configures monitor resolution and refresh rates to limit the amount of required user configuration.

- Fedora Core 6 runs on Intel-based Macs.

- Improved i18n support using the default SCIM input method, including more languages such as Sinhalase (Sri Lanka) and Oriya, Kannada, and Malayalam (India). Fedora Core now provides an easy interface to switch the input methods using im-chooser.

- The GNOME 1.x legacy stack has been removed from Fedora Core, and added to Fedora Extras.



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Fedora 11 Final

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