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The Foundry Mari 4.6v2


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The Foundry Mari 4.6v2


The Foundry Mari 4.6v2 | 1.2 Gb

Foundry has released Mari 4.6v2, the latest version of its texture painting software, apart from fixes in the detected issues, there are new feature enhancements in this release.

Feature Enhancements
ID 284019 - On project creation, the Nodegraph now neatly arranges user created Channels automatically.
ID 408043 - Project Settings now expose an Export Root Path option. The Export Manager now uses this Export Root Path option when setting the Root Path.
ID 407991 - Material node Export options can now be set in the Material Node properties Export tab.
ID 414539 - The Material Ingest Tool now contains the examples that can be used as templates for material creation. These examples will be visible in the Material Template list if no other templates have been recently used.
ID 415888 - The default Shader Compilation mode on macOS is now set to Automatic. The macOS specific warning about potential stability and performance issues when using Optimised mode has been removed.
Bug Fixes
ID 414870 - The OCIO View Transform would resolve incorrect colorspaces when the input and output color-space widgets specified colorspace paths.
ID 400166 - Garbage collection of unused data was not actively discarding unused data upon reopen which caused projects to bloat. ID 366649 - Importing a specific user session on macOS would cause Mari to crash.
ID 397894 - Modifying the Clone Stamp source target would sometimes cause Mari to crash unexpectedly.
ID 415736 - When flattening a channel node without any connected layers, Mari would crash.
ID 235174 - Specular reflections would appear incorrectly on macOS due to unavailable or disabled cubemap arrays.
ID 351706 - When working with floating Layer Stack palettes, the TAB key would not spawn a pop-up dialog.
ID 268970 - When launched in Verbose mode, Mari would trigger an unnecessary update warning.
ID 416159 - Caching a node with multiple outputs no longer causes a crash in the Dynamic shader compiler.
ID 297544 - In the Color Palette, if the Saturation Slider was set to 0, the Hue slider's position would be locked.
ID 367112 - Enabling Shadow Maps Allowed on macOS would cause Mari to crash.
ID 368752 - Mari's application window would unnecessarily grow in size during the bake process if it was not full-screened.
ID 375534 - Enabling a Channel Mask would cause a Render Error on macOS.
ID 383396 - Shader node input order now matches the order of their Shader Models.
ID 386748 - The frame rate was significantly slower on macOS than in previous versions whilst navigating.
ID 388735 - When adding a Tiled or TriPlanar Procedural Layer, Mari would display a render error on macOS due to a limited number of texture units available.
ID 399048 - When manipulating the Curve Editor in Mari, the UI would render incorrectly.
ID 399141 - Some graphical artefacts would briefly appear when spawning the Color Picker from a swatch.
ID 399169 - If the Paint Buffer was transformed, the baking process could sometimes result in square artefacts.
ID 403755 - Vector- Type attributes without a defined range would allow the user to enter illegal values but would display as clamped.
ID 408969 - At zero opacity, the Arnold Standard Surface Shader would incorrectly display as black.
ID 399134 - Older projects containing large AdobeXMP image metadata attributes would fail to open.
ID 405225 - Some paint nodes from old projects were not correctly reflecting their bit depth after project upgrade.
ID 407637 - Baking and Selecting would fail if the UV view camera's clipping planes or Z position was edited.
ID 411109 - Transform or Mirror Patch would fail randomly if executed on a Paint Node in the Node Graph.
ID 411865 - If a file path contained the '@' character, Mari would raise an error on image import.
ID 414276 - Assigning a Channel Mask in a newly created project would crash.
ID 399234 - Navigation undo history did not correctly handle navigation momentum causing irregular Paint Buffer activities.
ID 399284 - Adjusting the Bit Depth of Paint Buffer would incorrectly multiply the content of Paint Buffer resulting in darker values than expected.
ID 399593 - Multi-Channel Merge nodes were not given the correctly hyphenated name upon creation.
ID 399943 - OCIO config colorspace remapping would silently fail when the config specified by the OCIO environment variable was missing or invalid.
ID 409483 - Texture Haven Material ingest preset for the Arnold Standard Surface shader model had incorrect search patterns.
ID 409484 - Material ingest presets for the 3Delight Principled and VRayMtl shader models had incorrect default colors for metallic streams.
ID 410473 - Attempting to cache a Camera Projection Layer would result in failure.
ID 410922 - Deleting many nodes at once could take longer than expected.
ID 411536 - Geo-Channels would incorrectly be conformed to 8bit imagesets when a non-8bit channel was imported from the Modo Bake palette.
ID 412272 - The Projector type for LocatorList node attributes was missing from the Custom Shader API documentatio
ID 409501 - In the Textures_Com Ingest Tool preset, Incandescence values were incorrectly set for both 3Delight and VrayMTL shaders.
ID 409762 - Attempting to create a node when a backdrop node was selected would cause Mari to crash.
ID 410018 - Importing a new Layer into a Channel containing no layers would cause Mari to crash.
ID 415749 - When reopening a project, Mari would not store changes made to Channel settings if the Channel node was imported from an .mng file.
ID 416702 - Adding a new locator from a Locator List attribute in Layers palette would cause Mari to crash.
ID 417375 - Pass Through connection would not be displayed for Multi-Channel Nodes
ID 419092 - Enabling Mari > Preferences > GPU > Threaded Operations Allowed would cause projects to crash on open on OS platforms that did not support threaded OpenGL operations. This preference has been removed on platforms where this feature is not supported.
ID 387310 - Launching Mari from the dock would cause macOS to hang until the application was open.
ID 419417 - Inconsistent color management would be applied to the canvas background gradient and image
ID 368806 - Fill > UV Mask and Wireframe options were not disabled in the UI when using Face Selection mode.
ID 409519 - The backgrounds of some palette tabs would be displayed in an incorrect shade of grey.
ID 413789 - When using a keyboard shortcut, releasing the modifier key before the standard key would incorrectly trigger any shortcut bound to the standard key.
The Foundry's MARI is an extremely powerful texture painting package used in every corner of the computer graphics industry. Much like Photoshop, MARI has a slew of tools that aid in photo manipulation. However, its primary function is in the 3D painting space, which is the focus of these texture painting tutorials. With an array of brushes and nondestructive tools, MARI not only mimics real-life model painting, but also surpasses it. With MARI, artists can change the final look of their asset at any point in time.
Foundry has released Mari 4.6, the latest update to its 3D texture painting software. The release extends Mari's new procedural material system, adding a system of Geo-Channels for geometry-based maps, adds new V-Ray and 3Delight shaders, and overhauls workflow in Mari's node graph.
Mari 4.6 - New Features in action

The Foundry is a leading global developer of creative software used to deliver high-end visual effects and 3D content for the design, visualization and entertainment industries. The portfolio empowers artists to create inspiring and technical images and visual experiences in media production (film, commercials, episodic television, gaming, and virtual and augmented reality), and product and industrial design.
The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in London, with offices in Silicon Valley, Manchester, Los Angeles, Shanghai, Dublin and Austin. In November 2015 Alex Mahon was appointed as CEO while Bill Collis became president.
Product: The Foundry MARI
Version: 4.6v2
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :

Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.2 Gb

Officially Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 7 64-bit or higher
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Quad-core processor
- 10+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files
- At least 4 GB RAM
- Display with 1680 x 1050 pixel resolution
- An NVIDIA or AMD* graphics card with the latest drivers
- 1 GB of graphics memory
- OpenGL 3.2* or higher
* Displacement preview is currently only available on the cards and drivers that support OpenGL 4.0 or newer.
Recommended System Requirements
- 2.5+ Ghz Quad-core processor
- 250+ GB disk space available for caching and temporary files. SSD is preferable.
- 16 GB RAM with additional virtual memory*
- Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
- An NVIDIA or AMD* graphics card with the latest drivers
- 2+ GB of graphics memory
- OpenGL 4.4 or higher support
* The use of virtual memory improves stability and helps prevent data loss on large projects.





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