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Book Label 2007 V1.1.1.32


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Book Label 2007 v1.1.1.32 | 7 Mb

Do you have a collection of books that is getting of hand?

Are you looking for the most efficient way to catalog it?

Look no further… Book Label 2007 is the answer to your problems.

● Quick and Easy Data Entry

All information about your books is downloaded from online databases (including cover art).

● One-Click Sort & Search

Sorting your database is as easy as clicking a button.

● Loan Management

Make sure you never lose another book by easy-to-use loan management.

● Reports & Exports

Printing and exporting your data is only one mouse-click away.

● Reliability & Speed

Book Label is built on a solid client/server database which means your collection can grow to virtually any size.

● Manage Multiple Collections

You can can create any number of databases and keep them separate. Make sure you never lose another book by easy-to-use loan management.




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