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Usb Copynotify V1.3.3


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USB CopyNotify v1.3.3 | 1.70 MB

USB CopyNotify! (Personal Edition) is a simple to use security software that monitors and controls USB Devices being used on your desktop computer or laptop.

USB CopyNotify! Small Business Edition: This version is for the Small Business User having more than one computer and needs to CONTROL, BLOCK & MONITOR USB device usage across all the computers in the office.

Once installed this version allows you:

*to BLOCK all USB storage device usage on your desktop computer or laptop.

*to log all USB device activity taking place on your computer or laptop.

*to add a customized system tray balloon message so as to warn users that their USB device activity is being monitored. This is helpful in case of any privacy compliance

The personal edition is particular useful when the same computer or laptop is used by several people and data being copied from it onto removable USB storage media needs to be blocked or monitored at all times.

Features :

*Logging information includes

*Insert of USB Device

*Removal of USB Device

*Mounting of USB Device

*Friendly Device Description

*Files Copied onto USB Device

*Shutdown of USB CopyNotify!

*Startup of USB CopyNotify!




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