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Trueupdate V3.8.1.0


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TrueUpdate v3.8.1.0

Homepage: https://www.indigorose.com/trueupdate/

User Guide: https://www.indigorose.com/webhelp/tu/index.htm

TrueUpdate, Windows yazılım uygulamalarına otomatik web güncellemesi eklemek isteyen yazılım geliştiriciler için iyi bir çözümüdür.

Güncelleme teknolojisinin kontrolünüzün ötesinde olduğu barındırılan hizmetlerin aksine, TrueUpdate, güncelleme işleminin her parçası üzerinde tam kontrol sağlamak için benzersiz bir şekilde tasarlanmıştır.

TrueUpdate is the premiere solution for software developers wanting to add automatic web updating to their Windows software applications.

Unlike hosted services where the update technology is beyond your control, TrueUpdate is uniquely designed to provide full control over every part of the update process.


  • 100% Configurable “Check for Update” System
  • Quick and Easy to Integrate Into Your Software
  • Easy to Use Scripting Language = Total Control
  • Uses Standard Web Server Protocols (HTTP, FTP)
  • Customizable User Interface
  • 100% Compatibility: Windows 95 to Windows 10


- Fully Customizable “Check for Update” System

Every aspect of TrueUpdate is customizable, from the appearance and flow of the user interface to the details of the update process itself.

TrueUpdate can be configured to work in any situation, the way the developer and their company want to work. You won’t find a more powerful or flexible solution!

- Quick and Easy to Use

TrueUpdate is easy to integrate into your software and offers almost unlimited flexibility and customization options.

The project wizard assists you with the whole process, helping you identify your file versions, configure patch download locations and build your customized TrueUpdate client.

- Compatible with any Web Server

Organizations of any size can deploy TrueUpdate enabled software using only a standard web server. Additionally, TrueUpdate is fully compatible with any update/patching method, from full setups (Setup Factory) and self-contained binary patches (Visual Patch) to downloading and extracting from zip files

- Powerful Lua Scripting

Once the TrueUpdate Client is installed on a computer, you have everything you need to ensure that the system is always up-to-date with your latest software patches.

The easy-to-learn Lua scripting language gives your 250+ high-level functions to handle your most sophisticated requirements.





v3.8.1.0 (20190131)
  • Feature: Added SHA-256 code signing support.
  • Feature: Added the ability to dual-sign updates (SHA-256 and SHA-1).
  • Feature: Added a password field for the code signing certificate(s).
  • Feature: Added a few items to the System.GetOSProductInfo action's constants.
  • Change: Removed support for signing with signcode.exe, instead use signtool.exe.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where updates would fail on Windows Server OS's without a GUI due to the system file 'oledlg.dll' not being present. If this system component is missing, a notice will be written to the update log file, and a new global variable '_MissingOledlgdll' will be set to 'true' (otherwise 'false'). This allows you to conditionally handle UI features that may fail such as some screens.
  • Fix: Enabled GDI scaling on Windows 10 (1703) or later for TrueUpdate's design environment. This improves how the interface looks in high dpi environments.
  • Fix: Fixed screen previews on Windows 10 (1703) or later when GDI scaling is enabled.
  • Fix: Made it so the right-click context menu items in the custom screen editor work. (Arrange, Copy, Edit, etc.)
  • Fix: Fixed the order in which controls are drawn in the custom screen editor.
  • Fix: Fixed the Arrange tools in the custom screen editor so they work correctly. For example, choosing Arrange > Bring to Front now correctly brings the selected control to the front.
  • Fix: Fixed how controls are selected by left clicking in the custom screen editor. It is now possible to select a control when it is in front of another one, e.g. a radio button in front of a group box can now be selected. Clicking where controls overlap will select the control that is closest to the front (unless one of the controls is already selected).
  • Fix: Made it so clicking on a control that is in front of the selected control in the custom screen editor does not change which control is selected (unless you hold the Shift key while clicking). This is so you can interact with a control that is covered by another one. To select a different control that is above the currently selected control, first click somewhere else to deselect the current control. Alternatively, you can hold the Shift key to select the control that is closest to the front even if it's on top of another control that is already selected.
  • Fix: Made it so right-clicking on a selected control in the custom screen editor does not deselect the control. For example, you may now select a control with the drop-down menu and right-click on it to move it to the front, even if it is behind other controls.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug where custom font files were not being included in the update.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug where if a custom screen contained a GroupBox control, tabbing through the controls failed to work properly.
  • Fix: Made a change to TrueUpdate's runtime to prevent possible DLL hijacking of system files if nefarious copies were placed in the same folder as the update client when launched. The issue was related to the default search order for system files if not defined explicitly.
  • Fix: Made an attempt to prevent an occasional build error from occurring during the manifest injection step due to a timing issue.
  • Fix: Made the Registry.GetValue action able to read REG_MULTI_SZ values containing null characters within it's data.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where the File.Move action's "IncludeHiddenFiles" parameter default didn't match what was being used. It now uses the correct value from the prototype when not defined.
  • Fix: Addressed an issue in the File.Copy and File.Move actions where if the path contained erroneous backslashes in some locations, it would result in unpredictable file attributes being set. It may also result in the source folder being deleted in the File.Move action.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug in the 'File.Install', 'File.Copy' and 'File.Move' actions where if the source file and destination file were the same, the source file would be deleted.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug where registering/unregistering fonts could hang on some systems.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug in 'IRScriptEditor.exe' where if you clicked on the keyword tooltip in the editor a crash would occur. Updated version to 2.0.1003.0.
  • Fix: Changed the behavior of the design-time properties of the Edit control on Custom screens to make it clear that 'Multiline' is not supported for 'Password' input styles. The Password input style is only valid for single-line edit controls.
  • Fix: Changed references in TrueUpdate from Windows Server 10 to Windows Server 2016.
  • Fix: Added an empty string check for the base folder path in the global function 'g_FillComboBoxWithShortcutFolders' in '_TU20_Global_Functions.lua'.



trial :(


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