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Memory Release Master V5.0.3.2


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MyWindowsDoctor Memory Release Master v5.0.3.2

Free up memory & Increase the amount of Memory available!

Memory Release Master monitors your system and frees up memory to increase the performance of your computer. It automatically optimizes in the background when your processor usage is low but never interferes with your work.

Memory Release Master substantially improves the internal memory management. If the physical memory available gets too low, it swaps old data to the page file to free up memory for your applications. As a result, your programs will run faster and there will be more free memory available!

Recover 100% of Memory Leaks, Optimize your PC Memory

* Recover 100% of Memory Leaks, Optimize your PC Memory Memory Release Master Free Version recovers the unused memory of your system and drastically improves the response time of your computer.

Increases Your System Performance

* Increases Your System Performance Memory Release Master Free Version is a handy memory optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster and more efficiently. It increases your system performance by making more memory available for your applications and the operating system.

Release Memory Automatically

* Release Memory Automatically Detect and terminate programs that cause memory and resources leaks. When your available physical memory reaches its critical amount, the software will automatically clean up your PC memory to optimum level.

View Graphical Presentation of Memory Status

* View Graphical Presentation of Memory Status It displays real-time graph of available physical and virtual Memory, and Covers the memory and CPU usage information, coupled with real time memory statistics on available and consumed memory, along with CPU usage.

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