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Acoo Browser 1.87 Build 584


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Acoo Browser v1.52 Build 676


Acoo Browser is a powerful multi-tabbed Internet browser based on the Internet Explorer engine (IE 5 or greater required). Acoo Browser provides a user-friendly GUI interface, including tabbed document windows, dockable panel groups and customizable toolbars. Acoo Browser allows user to surf multiple Web sites within one browser window. It also includes many advanced features such as Mouse Gestures, built-in syntax highlighted HTML source viewer, powerful built-in Web page analyzer, recoverable Popup Blocker, Ads Filter, script error suppression, Cleaner, external tools, web page zooming, URL Alias, Integrated search engine support, skinned window frame, and much more...

# Multi-Window Browsing: Brows multiple web pages simultaneously.

# Built-in Pop-up Blocker based on intelligent identification makes browsing the Internet more enjoyable by enabling you to reduce unwanted ads and content.

# Built-in Ad Filter: Block Ad banners, flash animations, iframes or any components within any web pages by URL patterns.

# Convenient access to major search engines by Search Bar. Built-in search engines enable user to search for web pages, images, music, lyrics, news and software in Internet.

# Built-in HTML Source Viewer: Syntax highlighted web page HTML source code viewer.

# Built-in Web Page Analyzer: A powerful tools shows syntax highlighted script code the page executes, information about images, etc.

# Super Drag & Drop: Super drag and drop lets you open new links by using your mouse to drag and drop the link into the page. You can also select and drag text to be searched using the default search engine.

# Records Cleaner: With Acoo Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting Typed Addresses, Cookies, History of Visited Web Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords.

# Mouse Gestures: Simple symbols that you "draw" on your screen using your mouse.

# Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group.

# Ability to suppress script error message dialog.

# Seamless integration with AI RoboForm FormFiller/Password Manager.

# Flexible control of startup actions.

# URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL.

# Zoom in /Zoom out ANY Web page for better visuality and readability.

# Safe Recovery: If Acoo Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup.

# Skinned window frame.

New in this v1.52 Build 676:

* Added the built-in calculator. The calculator can solve math problems involving basic arithmetic, more complicated math.

* Added the "data: protocol" support.

* Small enhancements and a few bugs fixed.



[b]Alternatif Link:[/b]


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Acoo Browser Acoo Browser acilan pencereleri sekmeleyen ve Internet Explorer yapisini kullanan bir web tarayicidir.Acoo Browser kullanici dostu GUI arayuzune, kullanimi kolaylastiran sekme yapisina, bolum gruplarina ve ozellestirilebilir arac cubuklarina sahiptir.Acoo Browser acilir pencerelere, reklam mansetlerine, flash reklamlarina ve diger istemsiz acilan Internet reklamlarina karsi kullaniciya en iyi calisma ortamini hazirlar.Acoo Browser gelismis fare hareketlerine, reklam filtresine, telafi edilebilr acilir pencere engellemesine, web sayfasi buyutecine, senaryo hatasi durdurmaya, temizleyiciye, URL takma adlarina, dahili arama motoruna sahip ucretsiz bir tarayicidir.Yazilimin Turkce dil dosyasini buradan ebilirsiniz. Son surumdeki yenilikler:Portekizce dil destegi eklendi.Gezgine klasor gorunumu eklendi. Resim olarak sayfa kaydetme islevi eklendi. Sistem arac cubugunda bazi kucuk gelistirmeler yapildi.Birkac hata duzeltildi.ActiveX suzgeci eklendi."Windows list" ve "close windows" diyaloglari gelistirildi.Kucuk hatalar giderildi.


Acoo Browser is a powerful multi-tabbed Internet browser based on the Internet Explorer engine (IE 5 or greater required). Acoo Browser provides a user-friendly GUI interface, including tabbed document windows, dockable panel groups and customizable toolbars.

Acoo Browser allows user to surf multiple Web sites within one browser window. It also includes many advanced features such as Mouse Gestures, built-in syntax highlighted HTML source viewer, powerful built-in Web page analyzer, built-in calculator, RSS Reader, recoverable Popup Blocker, Ads Filter, ActiveX Filter, script error suppression, Cleaner, external tools, web page zooming, URL Hotkey, URL Alias, Integrated search engine support, skinned window frame, and much more...

Acoo Browser can block annoying pop-ups, banner Ads, flash Ads and other Internet Ad annoyances automatically without interfering your surfing. There is also detailed logging record in Acoo Browser, and you may know the Ads sites killed by Acoo Browser so as to improve your setting.

Acoo Browser makes your surfing experience easier, quicker and more comfortable!

Acoo Browser Feature List:

• Multi-Window Browsing: Brows multiple web pages simultaneously.

• Built-in Pop-up Blocker based on intelligent identification makes browsing the Internet more enjoyable by enabling you to reduce unwanted ads and content.

• Built-in Ad Filter: Block Ad banners, flash animations, iframes or any components within any web pages by URL patterns.

• Built-in ActiveX Filter: Block obtrusive dialogs prompting you to install unsafe ActiveX controls.

• Convenient access to major search engines by Search Bar. Built-in search engines enable user to search for web pages, images, music, lyrics, news and software in Internet.

• Built-in calculator: Use Acoo Browser to evaluate mathematical expressions. To use Acoo Browser's built-in calculator function, simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box or address box and hit the Enter key or click on the Search/Go button.

• Built-in HTML Source Viewer: Syntax highlighted web page HTML source code viewer. View screenshot.

• Built-in Web Page Analyzer: A powerful tools shows syntax highlighted script code the page executes, information about images, etc. View screenshot.

• Built-in RSS News Rendering Engine: You can read RSS news directly inside Acoo Browser without additional RSS Reader software.

• Super Drag & Drop: Super drag and drop lets you open new links by using your mouse to drag and drop the link into the page. You can also select and drag text to be searched using the default search engine.

• Records Cleaner: With Acoo Browser, you can easily keep your privacy by deleting Typed Addresses, Cookies, History of Visited Web Sites, Temporary Internet Files and Search Keywords.

• Mouse Gestures: Simple symbols that you "draw" on your screen using your mouse.

• Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group.

• Ability to suppress script error message dialog.

• Seamless integration with AI RoboForm FormFiller/Password Manager.

• Flexible control of startup actions.

• URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL.

• Zoom in /Zoom out ANY Web page for better visuality and readability.

• Safe Recovery: If Acoo Browser is closed improperly, all open web pages are saved and will be automatically reopened at next startup.

• Skinned window frame.

• Support the "data: protocol": The data: protocol is described in RFC 2397.

Works on Win98/ME/NT4.x/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Changes in Version 1.80.988 [Feb-05-2008]:

* Added the online bookmark manager in Acoo Browser (Powered by acoolive.com).

* Fixed the bug that install program can't uninstall completely on Vista System.

* Added the UTF-8 format in multi-language file.

* Added Uyghur language file.

* Small enhancements and a few bugs fixed.


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