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Microsys Resistor Plus v1.1


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Microsys Resistor Plus v1.1

Microsys Resistor Plus v1.1

resistor1_small.png resistor2_small.png resistor3_small.png resistor4_small.png

Anasayfa: http://www.microsys.ro/resistorplus.htm

Bu yazılım yardımcı programı, bir direnç değerinin renk koduna göre belirlenmesini, belirli bir direnç değeri için renk kodu oluşturmanızı ve yüklü bir görüntüde bulabileceğiniz renkleri doğru bir şekilde belirlemenizi sağlar.
Aynı zamanda SMD-tipi dirençler üzerinde farklı standartlarda yazılan kodlarla ilgilenir ve seri ya da paralel olarak bağlanan iki rezistörün sonuç değerini hesaplar.
Bu işlemlerin her biri için ayrılmış ayrılmış sayfalar vardır, bunlar program penceresinin sol tarafındaki büyük düğmeler kullanılarak seçilebilir.
İlk iki sayfa fare ile çalıştırılırken, üçüncü ve dördüncü sayfalar farenizle veya klavyenizle kontrol edilebilir.
Daha büyük yazı tipleri ve büyük düğmelerle sezgisel bir arayüze sahip basit ve ergonomik tasarım, bu program avantajlarından sadece birkaçıdır.
Program kodu, Windows'un en yeni sürümleri için optimize edildi.

Color codes
First page shows a ‘blank’ resistor, as in this picture, and you have to select the number of bands or the resistor in order to calculate its value. The horizontal color palettes correspond to each band, being in fact the color that encodes different digits, the multiplier, the tolerance or the temperature coefficient of the resistor. Once you click on that palettes, the bands will appear on the picture; when this process is completed, the data will be displayed on the upper-right fields. The closest values, corresponding to the different series (different tolerances) E6..E192, will be shown in the bottom-right fields. The image containing the resistor along with the colored bands may be saved (Save button) as jpeg or bitmap picture.

Picture Analyzer
The Second page allows you to load a picture (jpeg or bitmap formats) of the resistor (s) to find out the value for. When you move the mouse cursor over the picture, the color of the current pixel is decoded into its RGB components an displayed on the bottom-right corner. Select the number of band you see and then click on the closest colors from the horizontal palettes. When all band are selected, the data (value, tolerance, coefficient) will be displayed in the appropriate fields.

SMD resistor
Third page is dedicated to the SMD (Surface Mounted Device) resistors. The value calculator can decode both 3 and 4 digit codes, containing the letters R and M (R is the decimal point and M is used for milliohms values). Another commonly seen code is the three-character code EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance) system, called EIA-96. This system is used for SMD resistors with 1% tolerance and it uses some other letters to encode the multiplication factor, as in the next picture. A similar scheme, which starts with the multiplier letter, is used for the 2,5 and 10% tolerance type resistors. For example, A55 means a 330 ohm, 10% tolerance resistor. This resistor calculator may be also controlled by keyboard, and in this case Clear is the ‘.’ (Del) key, Back is the Backspace key and Show is the Enter key. When the code is completed, the resistor picture may be saved in both jpeg and bitmap formats on your disk drive.

Series / Parallel
If two resistors are connected in series or in parallel, the circuit’s equivalent resistance may be simply calculated in the fourth page of the utility. Just enter the values and select the units of measurement, choose the type of the circuit and then press the Calculate button. The total value is computed with 5 digit precision, which is good enough for any resistor tolerance.


- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10, 32 or 64 bit versions

- Monitors having at least 1024 x 768 px resolution

- The graphic mode set to the native monitor resolution


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