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Flexpde Professional 3d V5.0.19


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FlexPDE Professional 3D v5.0.19


FlexPDE Professional 3D v5.0.19 | 8.80 Mb

This is one-of-a-kind software tool that will take you from mathematical model to numerical solution to graphical display. With a standard tag price of US$495, FlexPDE Professional 3D v5.0.19 can do mathematical modeling of real world systems is dominated by partial differential equations: From stress analysis to chemical reaction kinetics to stock option pricing. FlexPDE addresses the mathematical basis of all these fields by treating the equations rather than the application. Why buy a separate software product for each of your mathematical modeling problems, when one product can solve them all?

FlexPDE Professional 3D is a general purpose scripted finite element model builder for partial differential equations.Imagine being able to type in your partial differential equations system, add a description of the problem domain, and instantly convert this problem specification into a sophisticated finite element model, including:

“ Automatic mesh construction

Unlimited equation complexity

Unlimited number of simultaneous equations

Nonlinear equation solver

One*, two or three space dimensions

Time dependent, steady-state or eigenvalues.

Dynamic timestep control

Dynamic adaptive mesh refinement

Arbitrary Lagrange/Eulerian moving mesh*

Flexible integrated graphical output

Export to TecPlot or VisIt for stunning visualizations**




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