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Office Assistance Advanced Consolidation Manager for Excel v1.0.1-DVT


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Office Assistance Advanced Consolidation Manager for Excel v1.0.1-DVT

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²Û²²ß ²²ß Released on 11/06/07 for exclusive usage by ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° members of the release scene. This isnt something °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° to share with your school mates and not for sale. ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° Go and ask daddy to buy this app if you like it! ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
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ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° ²Û ß²Û ±ÞÛ± Release Information ²Ûݱ Û²ß Û² °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
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²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° Advanced Consolidation Manager is designed for ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° merging tables and consolidating Microsoft Excel ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° data. In comparison to a standard data ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± consolidation in Microsoft Excel, Advanced ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° Consolidation Manager will allow you to process any °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² number of files per one program run as well as to ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß combine data from different files in one. ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° Advanced Consolidation Manager will help you to ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° consolidate data from different files in one: ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± * with grouping by worksheets; ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° * by creation of a new worksheet for each file; °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² * by creation of one common table; ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß * with the performance of calculation: summation, ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° calculation of quantity, calculation of average °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° value, etc. ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Consolidation of data from several files ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° If you have a number of similar files or you °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² regularly get reports in Microsoft Excel files and ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß you need to consolidate them, Advanced ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° Consolidation Manager can easily solve these tasks. °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° Specify which files and their worksheets to be ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° combined and the location where the results are to ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° be stored – Advanced Consolidation Manager will ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± perform these tasks. The program stores the results ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° either in a common worksheet or in several ones. °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² There is also a possibility to group worksheets in ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß different Microsoft Excel files. For example: ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° The example for Advanced Consolidation Manager ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° add-in ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Consolidation of data with the performance of ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± calculations ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² Advanced Consolidation Manager similar to a ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß standard function of data consolidation in ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° Microsoft Excel can consolidate data with the °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° performance of the following calculations: ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Function Purpose ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± Sum Summation of cell values ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° Count Calculation of the number of cells in a °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² certain range ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß Average Calculation of average value of cells ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° Max Maximum value °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° Min Minimal value ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° Product The product of the values ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Count Nums The number of data values that are ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± numbers ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° StDev An estimate of the standard deviation of a °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² population, where the sample is a subset of the ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß entire population ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° StDevP The standard deviation of a population, °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° where the population is all of the data to be ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° summarized ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Var An estimate of the variance of a population, ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± where the sample is a subset of the entire ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° population °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² VarP The variance of a population, where the ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß population is all of the data to be summarized ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° In contrast to a standard data consolidation in ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° Microsoft Excel, Advanced Consolidation Manager ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± will enable you to perform the above mentioned ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° operations on the unlimited number of files. °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² Moreover, if files have a similar structure, you ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß can specify a common range which will be applied to ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° all these files. In other words, you can specify °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° one a range of cells which is to be used for ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° consolidation and this range will be used for all ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° selected worksheets. ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° If you often use a standard data consolidation in °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² Microsoft Excel, you will find the program Advanced ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß Consolidation Manager of a great help. ß²² ß²²Û²ß
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²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° 1. Unpack and install ! ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° 2. Replace original .dll with *****ed one ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° 3. Register with any key ... Have Fun ... ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
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²ß² Üß° °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° After a group cleanup we finally got some open ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° positions to fill. ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± Do not hesitate to contact your local Team DVT ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÞÛÛÛÝ ±° representative if you can supply new, unreleased °± ÞÛÛÛÝ °
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² software (NO games, NO webware, ****** release date ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß 2005 and newer, NO cad or industrial apps) or if ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° you got some experience in *****ing or ******ning °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
° ßÜ ²Ý ° advanced software protection mechanisms like ° Þ² Üß °Û
²Ü °²±²Ü ° armadillo, asprotect, flexlm, rsa, etc. ° ܲ±²° ܲÛ
ÛÛ²²²ß± ° ° ±ß²²²ÛÛß
ßÛÛÛÜ ° °± ..And NO, we are NOT searching for affil sites. ±° ° ÜÛÛÛß±
ÜÛÛ²²Ý ²² Signed, ²² Þ²²ÛÛÜÜ
²Û²²ß ²²ß ß²² ß²²Û²ß
²ß² Üß° TEAM DVT, November 11 2005 °ßÜ ²ß²Ü
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° (( nFO layout by ixlover / buddha ))[/CODE]


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