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USB U3 Launchpad REMOVAL


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USB U3 Launchpad REMOVAL


USB U3 Launchpad REMOVAL | 2.54 Mb


Flash Drive Warning: U3 drives=Not so Smart

The makers of u3 call it a smart drive, a way to carry on a flash drive all of your preferences, a few key programs, documents, data etc. This way you can, plug into any Windows 2000 or XP PC, and work. Basically they are marketing the techniques You can put small applications onto a flash drive so that you can hook into any computer and make it work the way you want. Especially useful for working on community computers where you are not allowed to change the settings. For example, you can carry firefox as a web browser on your flash drive, that way you can have all you bookmarks, and tab browse on computers where the only broswer is the woefully inadequate Internet Explorer. This is a great technique. And the promise of u3 is that they make this really easy by having a small part of the flash drive pre-installed with software that helps you do this. The problem: This is a Lie! It doesnt Work!

It is no longer universal. What is more, everything u3 does can be done without u3. And sometimes computers will recognize a u3 drive and sometimes not, so you might think everything is okay, and than one time when you are trying to print the chapter of your dissertation for a meeting with your advisor it won't work. And, here is the real kicker, the drive does apparently leave traces on the computer, that means you are not completely operating safely.

And to make this quadruply heinous the evil developers at u3 won't let you erase this piece of crap autorun software. It is write protected, which means you have read only privileges. I thought the problem would be simply fixed by erasing and reformating the drive, no such luck.

Let me say again, Evil, Evil, Evil, this can only cause problems as you try to use your drive across a range of institutional machines. Never fear though, there are steps for fixing this.

# First back up all your data as this process will completely erase the disk, but this is good as it will make the drive actually universal. So save all your data you want onto your desktop in a folder titled Flash Drive or something.

# Second use the removal program here


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