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Maxwell v10 Full


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Maxwell v10 Full


Maxwell v10 Full + Crack | 90.1 MB

Electromagnetic-Field Simulation for High-Performance Electromechanical Design Maxwell® is the leading electromagnetic design software for the simulation and analysis of high-performance electromagnetic and electromechanical components common to automotive, military/aerospace, and industrial applications. Maxwell provides users a virtual laboratory on their desktop to study static, frequency-domain, and time-varying electromagnetic fields in complex structures.

Maxwell v10 features a new Microsoft Windows®-based user interface that provides a highly integrated architecture, unmatched automation, and productivity enhancements. This new release maintains Maxwell's reputation for accurate electromagnetic-field computation while redefining the term "user-friendly."

What's new in v10?

* Transient with expanded rotational motion

o One moving object and two stationary objects

o Non-cylindrical rotation

* Electric field and conduction solver integration

* Integrated modeler featuring ACIS v14 and MFC technology

o Standard primitives and multi-sweep functions

o Boolean operations: union, subtraction, intersection

o AnsoftLinks™ (cost option) for import of Pro/E files

* automatic, adaptive mesh technology

o Fault-tolerant meshing algorithms

o Mesh-generation feedback to the solid modeler

+ GUI performs validation and integrity checks

+ Software identifies artifacts of imported geometry

o Mesh-based model resolution

* Ansoft desktop architecture

o Solution management/product tree

o Hierarchical design management

o Versatile material manager and material types

o Standard scripting

o Integrated Optimetrics™ (cost option)

* field visualization/post processing

o Undo/redo solutions - change parameters and re-solve

o New shaded contour plots

o Animation of plots and geometry vs. parametric solution

* Distributed Analysis (cost option) for parallel computing of parameterized models

* Windows® XP Professional x64 operating system support

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