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Gannalyst Professional ver.


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Gannalyst Professional ver.


Gannalyst Professional ver. | 6,23 MB

The Gannalyst Professional 5.0 application is both feature rich and competitively priced, providing the user with a comprehensive toolset covering the aspects of Time analysis as well as as a full compliment of Price discovery tools.

Gannalyst Professional is feature rich, providing the user with a comprehensive toolset covering the aspects of Time analysis as well as his rules for Price discovery. The most important being Time. Calendar day frequencies, Solar Time or Natural Time frequencies, The Gann emblem, Equal time Frames, noncontiguous equal time frames, Gann Angles, Zero Lines, Price- Time and Range-Time Squares are all part of the armoury that Gannalyst Professional offers.

TIME is the most important factor of all and not until sufficient time has expired does any big move start up or down. WD Gann, p 56, How to Make Profits in Commodities.

The above quote forms the base of all Gann Analysis, and there are numerous examples within this site which confirm this statement again and again.

The options menu on the left is a guide to specific examples of the features provided by the Gannalyst Professional application, how they are used from a software perspective as well as how they are implemented as part of the overall analysis strategy.




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