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ShellExView v1.17 programını indirin


Bilgisayarınıza yüklediğiniz programlar sağ tuş menünüze ekstra seçenekler ekleyebilir yada sağ tuş menünüzde kullanmak istemediğiniz seçenekler olabilir. ShellExView bu seçenekleri temizlemeye yarıyor. Kullanımı çok kolay, kurulum gerektirmiyor, tek dosyadan oluşuyor, boyutu çok küçük ve portable (taşınabilir) olarak kullanılabiliyor. Kabarmış sağ tuş menüleri için birebir. Unutmayın ki yavaş açılan sağ tuş menüsünün sebebi normalden çok seçeneğin olması olabilir.

Program sadece sağ tuş menüsü temizlemeye değil browser eklentilerini pasif hale getirmeye de yarıyor. Ben sağ tuş menüsü temizlemeyi anlatacağım. Sağ tuş menünüzü temizlemek için programı çalıştırdıktan sonra Type kısmına tıklayın ve tipe göre sıralayın ve yanında Context Menu yazanlardan istediğinizi seçtikten sonra üst kısımda kalan menüden kırmızı olan yuvarlağa tıklayın. Hepsi bu.


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  • 2 years yıl...


Download self-install executable for installing ShellExView with uninstall support

Versions History

Date Version Description

07/11/2009 1.45 On x64 systems, ShellExView now always shows the shell extensions for x64 applications, even on the 32-bit version of ShellExView. If you want to get the shell extensions list for 32-bit applications, use ShellExView with /wow64 command-line option.

Added /remote command-line option, which allows you to view/enable/disable shell extensions in a remote computer on your network.

29/08/2009 1.41 Changed the definition of 'Suspicious Shell Extensions' - In previous versions, Every shell extension with read-only attribute marked as Suspicious, which confused some users, because there are many legitimated shell extensions that set a read-only attribute, probably to protect them from delete by the user. However, if a shell extension has an hidden attribute, it'll still be marked as suspicious.

22/08/2009 1.40 Added option to submit a report about a shell extension that you disabled to .'>.

05/04/2009 1.37 ShellExView now displays a special warning when trying to disable a shell extension of shell32.dll

07/01/2009 1.36 Fixed bug: ShellExView crashed when using it with the save command-line options.

24/11/2008 1.35 Added support for using ShellExView with external drive (by using /external command-line option).

10/11/2008 1.30 Added 'Filter By Extension Type' option - Allows you to select which type of shell extensions you want to view.

24/10/2008 1.25 New restriction: ShellExView won't allow you to disable at once more than 15 shell extensions created by Microsoft. The reason for this restriction is that recently there were a few cases of people that disabled most of their shell extensions, including system extensions that installed as a part of the operating system, and then found themselves with a system that cannot boot properly.

02/10/2008 1.24 Fixed bug: Exception window appeared when starting ShellExView in some systems.

08/07/2008 1.23 Fixed bug: The dates displayed in system locale format, instead of user locale.

14/05/2008 1.22 Added shell extensions under "My Network Places", "Entire Network", and "Remote Computer" Registry keys.

Added 3 columns: "My Network Places", "Entire Network", and "Remote Computer" (which tells you whether the Shell Extension was added into these folders)

03/05/2008 1.21 Fixed bug: The main window lost the focus when the user switched to another application and then returned back to ShellExView.

24/04/2008 1.20 Added support for saving as comma-delimited text file

22/11/2007 1.19 Under Vista, ShellExView now requires to run as administrator.

21/09/2007 1.18 Configuration of ShellExView is now saved to a cfg file instead of the Registry.

04/08/2007 1.17 Added support for properly enabling/disabling shell extensions under Windows Vista. (The disabled shell extensions are added to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Blocked' key in the Registry)

Added x64 version (as a separated download) for using under Windows Vista x64.

Added shell extensions under SystemFileAssociations key.

16/02/2007 1.16 Fixed bug: When a filename was enclosed with quotes, ShellExView failed to display the properties of the file.

12/08/2006 1.15 A tooltip is displayed when a string in a column is longer than the column length.

30/12/2005 1.14 Added shell extensions under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background

15/07/2005 1.13 New columns: File Attributes and File Size.

New option: Mark Suspicious Shell Extensions - mark in red color shell extensions with unusual file attribues (hidden attribue) or with unusual file extensions.

21/06/2005 1.12 New shell extension types: InfoTip Handler, Shell Link, Structure Storage, MetaData.

Multiple shell extensions with the same CLSID are now displayed in separated entries.

Added support for Windows XP style.

27/02/2005 1.11 New shell extension type: URL Search Hook.

Open the CLSID key of the shell extension in RegEdit.

New column: File Extensions.

25/11/2004 1.10 New columns: File Created Time, CLSID Modified Time, Microsoft.

New extensions types: Browser Helper Object, IE Toolbar, Explorer Bar, IE Extensions.

Choose columns dialog-box.

Auto-Size columns.

Find dialog-box.

HTML Reports.

Save as XML file.

Mark disabled items in gray color.

Mark non-Microsoft extensions in pink color.

Ability to translate to other languages.

23/08/2003 1.01 Critical bug from previous version (1.00) was fixed: In some circumstances, after disabling a shell extension and then enabling it again, the shell extension continued to be disabled, even if ShellExView show that it's enabled.

05/06/2003 1.00 First Release.


This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification !


The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason.

System Requirements

This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 98 and up to Windows 7. x64 versions of Windows are also supported.

Using ShellExView

The ShellExView is a standalone executable. It doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. Just copy it to any folder you want, and run it. After you run it, wait a few seconds until ShellExView loads all shell extensions items.

The main window of ShellExView displays the details of all shell extensions in 12 different columns:

Column Name Description

Extension Name The name of the shell extension, as it appears in the Registry.

Disabled Tells you whether the shell extension is disabled.

Type The type of the shell extension. There are more than 10 different types of shell extensions. For more information about the types of shell extensions, see the table below.

Description Description of the shell extension item. This information is extracted from the DLL file that contains this shell extension.

Version Version of the shell extension item. This information is extracted from the DLL file that contains this shell extension.

Product Name The name of the product that created this shell extension. This information is extracted from the DLL file that contains this shell extension.

Company The name of the company that created this shell extension.

My Computer Tells you whether the "My Computer" folder contains this shell extension. This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensions.

Desktop Tells you whether the "Desktop" folder contains this shell extension. This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensions.

Control Panel Tells you whether the "Control Panel" folder contains this shell extension. This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensions under Windows 2000/XP.

Filename The filename that contains this shell extension.

CLSID The CLSID of this shell extension.

File Created Time The creation time of the extension dll. You can use this field in order to find out when the extension was installed on your system.

CLSID Modified Time The Modified Time of CLSID in the Registry. Only available under Windows NT/2000/XP.

Microsoft Specifies whether the extension was created by Microsoft ('Yes' value) or by other company ('No' value).

File Extensions Specifies a list of file extensions (like .txt, .html) that use this shell extension.

File Attributes Specifies the attributes of the shell extension file. (H for hidden, R for read-only, and so on)

File Size Specifies the size (in bytes) of the shell extension file.

There are more than 10 types of shell extension, here's a small description for each type: Extension Type Description

Shell Folder Provides special system folders like "Printers", "Fonts", "Recycle Bin", and more...

Context Menu Provides the ability to add new items to the context menu of particular file type.

Drag & Drop Handler Provides the ability to add new items to the context menu that appears when you drag a file with right mouse button.

Icon Handler Provides the ability to dynamically assign icons to file objects.

Copy Hook Handler This type of shell extension is called when a file is moved, copies, renamed or deleted.

Drop Handler Provides the ability to control the "Drop" behavior of files.

Data Handler Provides the ability to copy files/objects to the clipboard.

Property Sheet Property Sheet dialog boxes.

Search Handler Provides the ability to create a system search engine (Like the standard "Search For Files or Folders" module)

Column Handler Provides the ability to add new columns to the details view of Explorer window.

Thumbnail Provides the ability to display images in "Thumbnail" view.

Browser Helper Object Provides the ability to customize and control the Internet Explorer browser.

IE Toolbar Provides the ability to add new toolbars into Internet Explorer (like Yahoo! Toolbar)

Explorer Bar Provides the ability to add Explorer bars to Internet Explorer.

URL Search Hook Browser extension stored under Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\URLSearchHooks.

System All other types of shell extensions that ShellExView utility cannot recognize are categorized as "System" type.

Disable/Enable Shell Extensions

The ShellExView utility allows you to disable and enable the shell extensions components on your system. In order to disable or enable a shell extension item, select the desired item, and from the File menu (or from the pop-up menu) select the appropriate option - "Enable Selected Items" or "Disable Selected Items".

Here's 2 examples of useful things that you can do with this feature:

Context Menu: Some applications, like WinZip, CuteFTP, and others, add some items to the context menu when you right-click on a file in explorer window. If you disable the appropriate shell extension, you won't get these additional menu items.

In order to locate the desired shell extension item:

Sort the extensions list by the "Type" column and look at all "Context Menu" items.

Search the application that creates the menu you want to disable. The icon near each item can help to locate the desired shell extension.

Shell Folder: When you enter into some special folders like "History" and "Temporary Internet Files", you don't see the real file system, but the a virtual folder that the shell extension create for you. If you want to watch the real file system inside "History" or "Temporary Internet Files", you can disable the appropriate shell extension items.

Sending report to shellfix.nirsoft.net

If you solved a problem by disabling a shell extension in your Explorer, and you want to share it with others, you can use the 'Send Report To ShellFix' option to publish the information in .'>. You can find full instructions about how to send a report in the main page of

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Web site.

Add/Remove special folders to "My Computer" and "Desktop" folders

Some special shell folders like "Printers", "Recycle Bin", "Scheduled Tasks", "Network and Dial-up Connections", "Mobile Device", and others can be added (and be removed) to "My Computer", "Desktop", and even to "Control Panel" (Only in Windows 2000) by using the ShellExView utility.

For Example: Under Windows 2000, you can add the "Printers", "Recycle Bin", and "Scheduled Tasks" folders to "My Computer". In order to do that, select the item that you want to add or remove (You can only use "Shell Folder" items) and from the File menu, select the appropriate add/remove option.

Be aware that there are some shell folders that cannot be added to "My Computer" or "Desktop" folders. For example: adding the "Administrative Tools" folder to "My Computer" won't work properly as you might expect.

Mark Suspicious Shell Extensions

Most shell extensions use standard file extensions (.dll, .ocx or .cpl) as well as they usually don't turn on their system attribues (read-only/hidden/system). If ShellExView detect shell extension with unusual file extension or with unusual attribute (e.g: shell extension dll that is marked as hidden in the file system), it'll be marked in red color. It's recommended to deeply check these unusual shell extensions to insure that they are not unwanted malicious programs that penetrated into your system.

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