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WebPod Studio Professional Edition ver.1.22


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WebPod Studio Professional Edition ver.1.22

WebPod Studio is the world's leading podcasting software that produces both audio and video PodCasts. This software was designed to help both novice and experienced pc users to create, gather content, and produce quality audio and video broadcasting for the Internet.

In addition, user-designed broadcasts can be uploaded to existing servers and archived on those servers, or burned onto CD or DVD discs.

Various output options are available for transcripts and other materials to produced for the broadcasts and to establish connectivity to the be world of Rich Site Summary (RSS) and Blogging.

All features are there to help you create podcasts. In addition, user-designed broadcasts can be uploaded to existing servers and archived on those servers, or burned onto CD or DVD discs. Various output options are available for transcripts and other materials to be produced for the broadcasts and to establish connectivity to the world of Rich Site Summary (RSS) and Blogging. All features are there to help you create podcasts.

The integrated Studio director assists the novice user in selecting the correct feature for what the user wishes to accomplish in that session while ensuring that the user will see the appropriate wizard on start-up.

It is this technology that makes WebPod Studio so easy to work with. All actions are done in small gradual steps, asking simple and direct questions through either ticking options or pull-down menus. Virtually all options are pre-selected based on available hardware and anticipated needs. This will help you create podcasts fast and efficiently. Designed around the 'less is more' philosophy, WebPod Studio will extract all the needed information in very few steps, yet will still harness the full power of available audio and video capabilities.

WebPod Studio takes the tedious side of publishing out of the equation by making the publishing process as simple and transparent as possible. Overall, the publishing of generated data will take no more then three steps. Same applies to the generating of the RSS file which will carry the data linking to the actual PodCasts located on the same server.


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