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Altova DatabaseSpy v2007 3


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Altova DatabaseSpy v2007 3

Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is the unique multi-database data management, query, and design tool from the creators of XMLSpy. It connects to all major databases and eases SQL editing and database structure design for a fraction of the cost of single-database solutions. DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is the one tool to finally liberate data management.

Information stored in relational databases is essential to the operation of all modern enterprises. Yet with text-based user interfaces, complex SQL commands, legacy data structures, and significant customization requirements, relational databases can be difficult to administer and maintain. As enterprises evolve, critical information may even be stored in multiple database systems from different vendors, further complicating data management, access, and reuse.

Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is a new application for database administrators (DBAs), database developers, and other database-oriented IT professionals featuring an intuitive, elegant user interface that simplifies querying, visualizing, managing, designing, and constructing relational databases. Moreover, DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is uniquely beneficial when you need to interact with multiple databases created at different times by different developers.

Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 includes these robust and highly-flexible components and capabilities:

. Connectivity to all major databases . Quick connect wizard .


. Database project manager . Online database browser .


. SQL editor . Database design editor .


. Support for XML in databases . Export and import functions .


. And much more . . . . .


One tool unlocks them all

Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is designed to be the database professional’s multi-purpose tool, since it connects to all of the following database types:

* IBM DB2 9

* IBM DB2 8.x

* Microsoft Access 2003 and 2007

* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005

* Oracle 9i and 10g

* MySQL 4.x and 5.x

* Sybase 11

In fact, DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is designed to work with any database that uses an ADO or ODBC connection.

Once you have connected to a database, Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 lets you browse data or examine the database structure. You can select any table and retrieve all rows or select just a sample to inspect the table structure. You can even open multiple databases of different types at the same time to analyze their contents.


Simplify SQL Development

DatabaseSpy™ 2007 includes a built-in SQL Editor with auto-completion, syntax checking, color coding, and drag and drop editing to make generation of SQL statements faster, easier, and more accurate. The SQL Preview function lets you test single SQL statements or complex SQL scripts and see the results without risking permanent changes to your databases.

DatabaseSpy™ 2007 also features a graphical Database Design Editor that permits visual design and creation of the structure of a database without the need for any knowledge of SQL syntax. You can drag and drop existing database tables into the Design Editor to modify them, or you can construct brand new tables from scratch.

DatabaseSpy™ 2007 makes it convenient to organize database connections, SQL files, design files, and favorites into projects for easy management. Projects are organized into files and saved for quick reloading and reuse.

Explore XML Databases

DatabaseSpy™ 2007 includes special features to help you efficiently work with databases that contain XML data and XML Schemas, such as IBM DB2 9 with pureXML.

You can expand the Online Browser tree view to identify columns that contain XML data and their assigned XML Schemas. You can view, add, or remove XML Schemas stored in the database, or send any XML Schema to XMLSpy® 2007 for display in XML Schema view.

You can display XML data in the SQL Editor results window and copy XML content to paste into an external application. The Design Editor lets you manipulate XML datatypes in its graphical view of existing tables and allows you to add XML columns to new tables in your designs.

Export to XML and other export and import options

DatabaseSpy™ 2007 includes export and import functionality that lets you export database data to any of five different file formats: XML, XML Structure, CSV, HTML, and Excel, and import database data from CSV files.


Many databases in use today were not developed with XML compatibility in mind. DatabaseSpy™ 2007 has special features to help database professionals migrate existing database content for use in XML-based applications. Besides exporting databases to XML files, DatabaseSpy™ 2007 lets you export database tables directly into Altova XMLSpy. You can then use all the advanced features of XMLSpy to accelerate your multi-faceted development project.

Your all-purpose database discovery tool

Third-party applications such as accounting software packages and other business tools often contain underlying databases but do not provide full-featured database access or functionality. Altova DatabaseSpy™ 2007 can give a progressive user access to the underlying database to better understand the application, or to drill into the data to perform maintenance tasks that would otherwise be cumbersome if not impossible.

As you might expect, DatabaseSpy™ 2007 connects to your relational databases via existing user names and passwords, so functionality for a given user is dependent on the privileges configured for that user’s particular database account. A read-only user can employ DatabaseSpy™ 2007 simply to view, locate, and sort data. A database administrator with a fully-authorized user ID, on the other hand, can use DatabaseSpy™ 2007 to modify existing database tables and their relationships, or design, create, and populate a new relational database from scratch.

Detailed information about DatabaseSpy™ 2007 is available by clicking the features listed in the left side menu or by viewing the DatabaseSpy™ 2007 Feature Matrix.

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Pass : www.devilived.com

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