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ArGoSoft Mail Server NET v1.0.5.9


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ArGoSoft Mail Server NET v1.0.2.7

ArGoSoft Mail Server, Windows'un tüm versiyonları için bilgisayarınızı e-posta sistemine çevirmenize olanak tanıyacak tam fonksiyonlu STMP/POP3/Finger sunucusudur. Kullanımı çok kolaydır."

ArGoSoft Mail Server is full SMTP/POP3/Finger/IMAP server for all Windows platforms, which will let you turn your computer into the email system. Even though, it is loaded with features, It is very compact, takes about 1-5 Mb of disk space (depending on the version), does not have any specific memory requirements, and what is the most important - it's very easy to use.

Currently, we have three different versions of Mail Server: freeware, Plus and Pro. If you want to quickly compare the versions, check out our comparison table.

Freeware version of mail server:

* Is completely transparent. Runs as a small icon on your system tray;

* Can be loaded with Windows startup;

* Supports unlimited accounts;

* Supports SMTP authentication. Useful to protect your mail server from unauthorized use;

* as we mentioned above, it is fully functional mail server: it relays the messages directly to Mail exchangers, bypassing your ISP.

* Has built-in web interface, which allows users to check mail using any web browser from anywhere in the World *.

Plus version of mail server:

* Does all of above;

* Has password protected Administration mode;

* Supports distribution lists;

* Supports auto responders;

* Supports basic filters;

* Unlimited message size (there is a limit of 5 Megs for freeware version);

* Can listen on single IP address, rather than all addresses available on your computer;

* Has built-in web server. It means, your mail server can be accessed from anywhere in the World, using any Web browser.

* Administrator can control the server, and do the maintenance of users;

* Users can access their accounts: read and send email, change their own settings;

* Web interface can be customized;

Pro version of mail server:

* Does all of above (Freeware + Plus versions);

* Supports IMAP (version with IMAP module, which has to be purchased separately);

* Has "true" support of multiple domains - you can create accounts with the same name, which belong to different domains;

* Supports multiple IP homes (virtual domains);

* Has built in mailing list server;

* Has WAP interface;

* Allows setup of domain administrators - users who can change domain related information via the Web interface;

* Filtering of mail according to IP addresses of server which attempts to relay mail to local users;

* Supports advanced anti-spam features:

o Trusted and banned IP addresses

o DNSBL - checking of IP addresses, listed in popular DNS based databases, such spamcop, ORDB, and so on;

o Sender Policy Framework (SPF);

o Graylisting;

o Whitelisting;

o Sender address verification - validation with sender servers;

* Supports server extensions - plugins, created by users, which do custom mail processing;

* Web interface supports multiple folders.

Current version is, April 10 2007 release.



RAR PAss: www.devilived.com

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ArGoSoft Mail Server NET v1.0.5.9


Program hakkında bilgiler:

ArGoSoft Mail Server, Windows'un tüm versiyonlari için bilgisayarinizi e-posta sistemine çevirmenize olanak taniyacak tam fonksiyonlu STMP/POP3/Finger sunucusudur. Bedavadir ve gerçekten de kullanimi kolaydir.

Gülegüle kullanın.Saygılarımla

Rarlı Dosya boyutu:5.6 mb tır.

İndirme adresi:

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arkadaşlar kullanımını anlatacak birisi yokmu ya herkes paylaşım yapacagım diye başka sitelerden aldıgını koyuyor aynısnı yanni

bu programı google de aratın şu kelimelerden başka bir şeyt diyen yok copy paste :N:

ArGoSoft Mail Server, Windows'un tüm versiyonlari için bilgisayarinizi e-posta sistemine çevirmenize olanak taniyacak tam fonksiyonlu STMP/POP3/Finger sunucusudur. Bedavadir ve gerçekten de kullanimi kolaydir.

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