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Prodad Defishr Multilingual (X86/x64)


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ProDAD DeFishr Multilingual (x86/x64) | 41 Mb

proDAD DEFISHR is the world's first fully automatic fisheye distortion correction solution for video. User's of GoPro, Contour, CamOne, and digital cameras fitted with super - WiDE angle lens' often complain about the warped images, especially out a the horizon of the video. DEFISHR fixes this with ease, the result is very high quality de - WARped video.
Simply drag a video into the DEFISHR media bin, see an instant side-by side comparison of the original and de-fished video.

Need to fine tune the video to correct other camera lens distortion? DEFISHR's included manual adjustment tools allow manipulation of image zoom, x-axis, y-axis, and lens tilt.

DEFISHR includes an exclusive camera Calibration tool, which can be used to create a de-fishing camera profile for a camera not in the presets. Simply shoot about a few seconds of video of the Calibration grid with the desired camera and then import this video into the Calibration tool and it's analyzed to create a NewCamera profile.

Why Choose DEFISHR?
- Automatic fisheye removal
- Works with any lens/camera combination
- Flatten warped video/images
- Fix video or still images
- Create custom camera profiles
- Fix off-center video
- Flip upside-down video
- Manual adjustment options
- Stand-alone Windows app

System requirements:
Dual-core processor (proDAD recommends Intel Corei7), 4GB RAM, 25MB hard disk space for installation, Windows 7 or Windows Vista. DEFISHR is compatible with Windows 8.

Edited by Smartsis
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proDAD Defishr



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