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Codekit 2.1 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]CodeKit 2.1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
CodeKit helps you build websites faster and better.
Compile Everything: 
Process Less, Sass, Stylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, Javascript, and Compass files automatically each time you save. Easily set options for each language.
Live Browser Reloads: 
Instantly see changes in your browser, with animation and without hitting the refresh button or installing plugins. Great for tweaking layouts!
Combine and Minify: 
Reduce load times by mashing Javascript and CoffeeScript files together and then minifying with Uglify.js. It's so easy, you'll giggle like a schoolgirl. Seriously.
Optimize Images: 
Losslessly reduce JPEG and PNG file sizes with one click and see the savings. One less thing to do at deployment. (More compression options coming soon!)
JSHint and JSLint: 
Makes debugging scripts fun and easy. Instantly find that one hanging comma that kills IE, or enforce coding styles and best practices across teams.
Team Collaboration: 
Sync project settings across teams and computers in an open JSON format. Keep everyone on the same page or easily jumpstart new sites.
Easy Frameworks: 
Keep just one copy of a file on your drive and easily use it across many projects without worrying about file paths. No more copying files into every new site.
It Just Works: 
There's nothing to install or configure. No mucking around the command line. Just run the app and start working. It's that easy.
[B][SIZE=3]What's New Version 2.1:[/SIZE][/B]
NEW: The UI has been completely overhauled for Yosemite. I don't always redesign my apps. But when I do, I redesign them again four months after I launch.
NEW: Google Web Starter Kit is now built-in. See the help page for details.
NEW: You can now set all files of a given type to NOT generate output files by default. Open Project Settings, choose a language and see the Output Paths section. (Remember to click the "apply" button if you make changes; output paths for existing files do not change as you alter project settings.)
NEW: You can now set a default pattern to use for output filenames. Want all your Sass files to compile to "*-awesome.min.css"? Want your Kit files to compile to "*.php" instead of "*.html"? You can do that. Open Project Settings, choose a language and look in the Output Paths section.
CHANGED: Related to the last point, the much-hated "Javascript output suffix" option has been eliminated.
CHANGED: Pressing enter while typing in a Project Settings text field will deselect the text field and save your changes
CHANGED: The "installed" tab of the Assets area is much improved
CHANGED: When you save a file that is set to NOT create an output file, CodeKit will now reload your browsers. Previously, it did nothing
FIXED: The internal server now sets the correct Content-Type HTTP response header for all 983 file extensions recognized by Apache
FIXED: Text fields in the Project Settings area will no longer magically deselect themselves while you type
FIXED: Issue where setting an Uglify.js Reserved Names or Define string caused minification to fail
FIXED: Links on the "no index page" now work correctly once you navigate into a subfolder of that list
FIXED: Project icons with transparency now always draw with a white background
FIXED: An issue that caused Kit variable declarations to output extra newlines into compiled files
FIXED: False warnings about infinite import loops. This warning is now shown only when an actual infinite loop exists
FIXED: A crash triggered by dragging a folder with exactly 30 characters in its name onto the window. Programming is hard.
FIXED: An issue where the "replace X part of input path with Y" output path option incorrectly left the input file's name at the end of the path, leading to bad output paths.
OS X 10.8 or later
[SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
PASS: frit
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