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Codekit 2.0.5 (Mac Os X)


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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]CodeKit 2.0.5 (Mac OS X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
CodeKit helps you build websites faster and better. 
Compile Everything: 
Process Less, Sass, Stylus, Jade, Haml, Slim, CoffeeScript, Javascript and Compass files automatically each time you save. Easily set options for each language.
Live Browser Reloads: 
Instantly see changes in your browser, with animation and without hitting the refresh button or installing plugins. Great for tweaking layouts! 
Combine & Minify: 
Reduce load times by mashing Javascript & CoffeeScript files together and then minifying with Uglify.js. It's so easy, you'll giggle like a schoolgirl. Seriously. 
Optimize Images: 
Losslessly reduce JPEG and PNG file sizes with one click and see the savings. One less thing to do at deployment. (More compression options coming soon!) 
JSHint & JSLint: 
Makes debugging scripts fun and easy. Instantly find that one hanging comma that kills IE, or enforce coding styles and best practices across teams. 
Team Collaboration: 
Sync project settings across teams and computers in an open JSON format. Keep everyone on the same page or easily jumpstart new sites. 
Easy Frameworks: 
Keep just one copy of a file on your drive and easily use it across many projects without worrying about file paths. No more copying files into every new site. 
It Just Works: 
There's nothing to install or configure. No mucking around the command line. Just run the app and start working. It's that easy.
[B][SIZE=3]WHAT'S NEW Version 2.0.5:[/SIZE][/B]
NEW: Custom project icons. If your project has 'apple-touch-icon.png', '/images/apple-touch-icon.png' or 'img/apple-touch-icon.png', that image will be the icon when you add the project to CodeKit for the first time. For existing projects, right-click any image in the file list to set it as the icon.
FIXED: Edge-case issue when using an external server for a project that could break browser-refreshing.
FIXED: Hooks will no longer cause crashes on OS 10.8.5.
FIXED: The "conditions" editor in the Hooks section of the Project Settings area now always shows friendly text descriptions.
Sass updated to 3.3.7
Stylus updated to 0.44.0
JSHint updated to 2.5.0 (Several options were removed, including the one about trailing whitespace.)
JSLint updated to 21 April 2014 release
Bourbon updated to version 4.0.1
WARNING: Bourbon 4 uses Sass 3.3+ syntax. This means Libsass will NOT work with Bourbon 4+ (yet). Normally, this would make your life difficult. But this isn't "Steve's Shady Mac App" (a.k.a. "Messages"); this is CodeKit. The app will automatically use Bourbon 3.2.1 if your Sass file is set to compile with Libsass.
WARNING: The above means that if you use Bourbon with Libsass, you need to reference the 3.2.1 Bourbon docs! Also, if you install Bourbon 4's files in your project, you can't use Libsass to compile them.
Bourbon Neat updated to 1.5.1. This version has feature-parity with Neat 1.6, but is compatible with older Sass syntax (and therefore Libsass).
CoffeeLint updated to 1.3. New options added.
TypeScript updated to 1.0.1.
Intel, 64-bit processor
OS X 10.8 or later
PASS: frit
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