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Simple DNS Plus v.4.00.7


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Thanks to DNS servers we surf the Internet using names such as "www.simpledns.com" instead of impossible to remember IP addresses.

DNS servers translate these domain names into machine readable IP-addresses needed to locate the requested web-server on the Internet.

With Simple DNS Plus you can host your own domain names, or simply speed up Internet access by running your own DNS server.

Simple DNS Plus can easily be integrated with your web-site for ISP customer signup etc., or even a full web-based DNS solution.

Simple DNS Plus is also a DHCP server, it comes with a DNS Look Up tool, and many other features...

General Features

Host your own domain names on your own Internet DNS Server

If your computer already has a fixed IP-address - for example if you have a cable modem, DSL or another permanent Internet connection - you may already be hosting a web-site on it. Why not also host DNS yourself for maximum control, including creating sub-domains etc. ?

Speed up Internet access with DNS caching

Even if you don't have your own domain name, Simple DNS Plus will speed up Internet access by caching all DNS records requested by your computer (or local network of computers), and fetching them again later much faster.

Bypass your ISP's DNS servers

Simple DNS Plus pre-loads the Internet root DNS server records at startup.

This makes it possible to completely bypass your ISP's DNS servers which in many cases may be slow.

Name the computers on your LAN and forget IP addresses and hosts files

Tired of maintaining lists of IP addresses or manually updating and copying hosts files on your local network ?

With Simple DNS Plus, you can name your e-mail-server "mail", your proxy-server "proxy", your Intranet web-server "web", etc. Then use these easy to remember names instead of IP addresses when setting up your client PCs' Internet programs, and you never have to edit a hosts file again.

Direct support for dynamic IP clients

Simple DNS Plus supports TSIG authenticated dynamic DNS updates.

This update method is much more efficient than the HTTP based and other proprietary update methods typically used because it happens directly via the DNS protocol.

Several dynamic IP updater applications can be used with this.

Setup tutorials are provided for DynSite and DirectUpdate.

Integrated DHCP server auto configures network computers and DNS

IP-addresses and other TCP/IP options can automatically be assigned to your network computers through DHCP.

Client computers configured through DHCP are automatically registered as DNS records, so the rest of the network can easily locate them.

There simply is no easier way to configure a DNS server - or TCP/IP settings on your network computers!

Simple DNS Plus also has a unique feature fixing the "unkown DHCP client" problem often encountered with older Apple/Mac DHCP clients.

See DHCP in the help file for details.

Simplified DNS management

Easy to use GUI interface - forget cryptic DNS configuration files

Simple DNS Plus provides an intuitive graphical interface for zone and record management.

It automatically checks for and corrects most errors.

DNS record and zone comment fields (New in v. 4.00)

Enter comments for individual DNS records and zones. For example client account numbers, or reminders about what certain records do, etc.

For DNS records updated dynamically or via DHCP, the comment field will automatically contain a timestamp and other information about the update.

Quick Domain Wizard

In one simple dialog, enter the domain name and the IP addresses of the web and mail servers, and click OK.

That's all you need to setup a new zone.

The IP addresses can even be pre-filled with default values.

Bulk Update Wizard (New in v. 4.00)

Find and replace an IP address in all local primary zones....

Update zone DNS server information in all local primary zones....

Promote secondary server to primary (convert all secondary zones to primary)...

Copy zone function

Quickly setup a new zone using any existing zone as a template.

Import Wizard

This function makes it very simple to import zones from other DNS server implementations.

This includes zone transfer, import zone file, and import set of zone files based on a boot file.

Reverse Zone Wizard

Forget "in-addr.arpa" and reversing IP address segments.

With the "Reverse Zone Wizard", you simply specify your IP address range and Simple DNS Plus automatically generates all the necessary records.

It even supports "classless delegation" for those with less than 256 IP addresses.

An "auto scan" function can scan all forward zones for A-records and automatically create matching reverse records.

"Zone Groups" for easy managements of large domain portfolios (New in v. 4.00)

You can arrange zones in custom groups, or by primary/secondary status.

Automatic creation of reverse DNS records

Automatically create/update reverse DNS when an A-record is added or modified.

Serve DNS records directly from your existing "hosts" file.

Many users are already familiar with this file and it's layout, and many new users already have much of their network defined in such a file.

Easy to integrate with other applications

Simple DNS Plus can automatically check for and load new zone files (DNS record files) generated by other applications, and also includes a command line and TCP/IP interface for other applications to control loading and unloading of records.

The included help file contains a complete description of these features.

HTTP administration / programming interface

Create a web interface to your DNS server for yourself or yours customers.

This is ideal for communicating with Simple DNS Plus from other applications across the network (for example ASP scripts running on IIS).

Click here for details.

Quick and easy diagnostics

DNS Look Up tool - including WHOIS

Great for testing your installation and troubleshooting all kinds of network problems.

With the "WHOIS" feature, you can check the details (such as name, address and phone) on the owners of a domain name or IP address.

The look up tool is a COM object (New in v. 4.00), which makes it possible to call it from other applications, for example a selection context menu in Internet Explorer or a macro button in Outlook.

See what's going on behind the scenes - live

The Simple DNS Plus "Active Log View" shows who's requesting what, and how the answers are found in real time.

Everything translated into human readable text.

This is great for troubleshooting all kinds of network problems.

If you are trying to learn how DNS works, this can be a real helper.

Detailed log files

Simple DNS Plus optionally writes all DNS queries and answers to a log file which you can then analyze at your convenience.

Domain usage statistics

With the raw log parser utility, you can create statistics for your own internal use or make it available on-line with bar charts etc.

Click here for details.

Cache snapshot viewer

Browse the current DNS cache with this intuitive explorer style tool.

Animated Tray Bar Icon.

Simple DNS Plus optionally resides in the tray-bar (next to the clock), so it is out of the way, but always within a click's reach.

The Tray Bar Icon lights up whenever Simple DNS Plus is processing requests, so you will know even when the program is minimized.

Powerful DNS features

Automate secondary DNS servers

A secondary Simple DNS Plus server can be configured as a "slave" server, meaning that all updates on the primary server are automatically transfered to the secondary. This includes creating and deleting zones.

(On other DNS server, you have to create and delete zones on both primary and secondary servers).

Everything is completely automated - when changes are made in the Record Editor, Simple DNS Plus immediately notifies secondary servers and a Zone Transfer is initiated.

Simple DNS Plus can also be configured as a standard secondary DNS server, and will then automatically check for updates on the primary server.

As everything else in Simple DNS Plus, Zone Transfers are implemented according to the DNS standards (RFCs), and so it is 100% compatible with other standard DNS servers.

NAT IP alias conversion (New in v. 4.00)

In DNS responses to LAN clients only, this function changes A-records which are pointing to a public IP address of the NAT router to point to the corresponding private IP address of a local server. This way, for example HTTP requests from LAN clients for local web-sites will go directly to the local web-server instead of via the NAT router (which often does not work).

Round Robin load distribution option

If you have multiple web servers (or other Internet servers), containing identical content, Simple DNS Plus can automatically distribute connection loads across the servers using Round Robin.

Round Robin works on a rotating basis in that one server IP address is handed out, then moves to the back of the list; the next server IP address is handed out, then it moves to the end of the list; and so on, depending on the number of servers being used.

Support for dynamic updates

Windows Me/2000/XP clients can automatically register themselves in the DNS database.

(IP address permission list per zone).

This includes support for SRV-records used by Microsoft Active Directory.

TSIG authenticated dynamic updates are also supported (used mostly by dynamic IP clients).

Incremental Zone Transfers

A history of individual record updates (DHCP, dynamic update, HTTP updates) is recorded, so secondary DNS servers don't need to zone transfer the entire zone each time there is a change.

This saves both CPU cycles and bandwidth.

Option to redirect abusers (synthesize DNS records for unauthorized users) (New in v. 4.00)

When someone (unauthorized) from the Internet tries to resolve outside domain names via your DNS server, Simple DNS Plus can respond with synthesized (false) DNS records, for example to redirect that person to a signup web-page or similar.

This feature is also useful when someone is incorrectly pointing their domain registration to your DNS server - for example an ISP customer who has cancelled their account but not changed the domain registration.

Supports wildcard records ( *.domain-name ) for ALL record types.

If you are hosting many sub-domains on the same servers, this feature can be a real time saver.

Alias zones (zone file sharing)

Two or more zones can share the same data file making it very easy to manage a large number of zones based on the same data. Change one zone, and all the alias zones are instantly updated as well.


Typically when you open a non-existing domain name in a web-browser, you either get an error page, or you are redirected to some search web-site controlled by the web-browser company (or DNS registry).

This of course happens all the time because of misspellings and bad links on web-sites.

Now you can take advantage of those failed requests (from any client configured to use your DNS server) by redirecting them to your web-server instead of giving this traffic to the browser companies.

Domain specific DNS forwarding

You can use forwarding to different DNS servers for different domain names.

This is helpful for example if you wish to be able to resolve both Internet domain names as well as a private domain name hosted on another internal DNS server.

Extended DNS forwarding

You can use this unique option if you need to forward incoming requests from the Internet for certain domains names to another internal DNS server.

Automatic SPF records - help fight spam and phishing scams (New in v. 4.00)

Simple DNS Plus can now automatically synthesize SPF records for all local zones making it easy to setup and maintain SPF protection for your domains.

For more on SPF see http://spf.pobox.com

Standard "Master File" format

Simple DNS Plus uses the standard file format defined in the RFCs, and can use standard files from other DNS implementations including different UNIX and Bind DNS servers.

MS Active Directory compatibility

Simple DNS Plus supports both the required RFC2782 (SRV records) and RFC2136 (DNS Update), and integrates nicely with MS AD.

Automatic detection of "lame delegation"

"Lame delegation" is when the registration of a domain name points to a DNS server which does not have any data for the domain name.

Most other DNS servers will in this situation return a blank response to the client.

But Simple DNS Plus recognizes the "lame delegation" and goes on to try the remaining registered DNS servers for the domain name.

This means that Simple DNS Plus is more often successful in resolving problem domains, resulting in a better user experience.

Strong security options

DNS Spoofing security option

"DNS spoofing" is a term used for malicious cache poisoning where forged data is placed in the cache of DNS server.

Spoofing attacks can result in serious security problems, for example causing users to be directed to wrong Internet sites or e-mail being routed to non-authorized mail servers.

With the spoofing security option enabled, all records in received DNS answers are checked for authority, and records for which the answering DNS server does not have authority are ignored.

"Stealth DNS" security option

A hacker may use a software utility known as a "port scanner" to search for potential targets. This software sends dummy requests to a range of IP addresses on different service ports simply to register which addresses/ports respond.

Any addresses/ports that responded will then be probed further for possible vulnerabilities.

Simple DNS Plus has a special "stealth" option which makes it invisible to such port scanners, by not responding to a DNS request unless it is for data in local zones or originates from a client offered recursion.

Restrict Recursion by client IP address

You can specify exactly which clients (by IP address / subnet) that you want the server to perform recursion for.

IP address blocking

Ignore packets from known offenders, and automatically add anyone making too many requests to quickly (DOS attack) to the list.

You can specify how long an IP address block should be in effect (New in v. 4.00), and you can enter comments for each block (New in v. 4.00), for example about why an IP address was blocked or should not be blocked for easy reference.

DNS record types and RFCs

Standard DNS record types supported


RFCs supported

RFC1034 Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities.

RFC1035 Domain Names - Implementation and Specification.

RFC1183 New DNS RR Definitions

RFC1706 DNS NSAP Resource Records

RFC1876 Location Information in the DNS (LOC)

RFC1886 DNS Extensions to support IP version 6

RFC1912 Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors

RFC1995 Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS

RFC1996 A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY)

RFC2136 Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE)

RFC2181 Clarifications to the DNS Specification

RFC2308 Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE)

RFC2317 Classless IN-ADDR.ARPA delegation

RFC2672 Non-Terminal DNS Name Redirection

RFC2782 A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)

RFC2845 Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (TSIG)

RFC2874 DNS Extensions to Support IPv6 Address Aggregation and Renumbering

RFC3403 Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS) (NAPTR records)

RFC2131 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

RFC2132 DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions



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