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[code]user_name = "";
-- Loop until a valid user name is entered or the user cancels.
while (user_name == "") and (user_name ~= "CANCEL") do
--Prompt the user for their user name.
user_name = Dialog.Input("User Information", "Please enter your user name:", "", MB_ICONQUESTION);

-- If the user does not enter any text, display an error message. The loop will continue from the beginning.
if user_name == "" then
result = Dialog.Message("Error", "Your information could not be processed as entered. Please try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);

-- If the user entered a valid user name and didn't cancel, store the value in the Registry.
elseif name ~= "CANCEL" then
Application.SaveValue("Your_User_Name", "Your_Key", user_name);

-- Check to see if there was an error saving.
error = Application.GetLastError();

-- If the user didn't cancel and there was no error saving,
-- Load the user name from the registry and display a welcome dialog.
if (user_name ~= "CANCEL") and (error == 0) then
loaded_username = Application.LoadValue("Your_User_Name", "Your_Key");

-- If the value loaded successfully.
if (Application.GetLastError() == 0) then
result = Dialog.Message("Hello", "Welcome "..loaded_username.."!", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);


user_name = Dialog.Input("User Information", "Please enter your user name:", "", MB_ICONQUESTION);

Kodu Yerine

user_name = Input.GetText("Input1");

Kodunu Kullanmak İsiyorum Input doluyken Çalışıyor ama boş iken donup kalıyor lütfen bi yardımm edin.
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[codebox]user_name = "";

-- Loop until a valid user name is entered or the user cancels.

while (user_name == "") do

--Prompt the user for their user name.

-- user_name = Dialog.Input("User Information", "Please enter your user name:", "", MB_ICONQUESTION);
user_name = Input.GetText("Input1");

-- If the user does not enter any text, display an error message. The loop will continue from the beginning.

if user_name == "" then

result = Dialog.Message("Error", "Your information could not be processed as entered. Please try again.", MB_OK, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);


-- If the user entered a valid user name and didn't cancel, store the value in the Registry.


Application.SaveValue("Your_User_Name", "Your_Key", user_name);

-- Check to see if there was an error saving.

error = Application.GetLastError();



-- If the user didn't cancel and there was no error saving,

-- Load the user name from the registry and display a welcome dialog.

if (user_name ~= "CANCEL") and (error == 0) then

loaded_username = Application.LoadValue("Your_User_Name", "Your_Key");

-- If the value loaded successfully.

if (Application.GetLastError() == 0) then

result = Dialog.Message("Hello", "Welcome "..loaded_username.."!", MB_OK, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_DEFBUTTON1);



Dediğini tam anlamamakla beraber sanırım şunu demek istedin.Bu kodları dener misin?

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