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Böyle Usb Bellek Görmediniz!


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Böyle USB bellek görmediniz!

USB bellekte maksimum güvenlik arayanlara ...

USB belleğinde maksimum güvenlik arayanlara özel: Bu bellek inanılmaz bir çözüm sunuyor...


Bir USB belleği nasıl daha güvenli yaparızın cevabını bulan bir firma içerisine PIN kodu klavyesi yerleştirdi.

Systematic Development Group'tan "LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive"ın iki versiyonu var; daha basit olan ve 5 PIN tuşlu, daha karmaşık olan ve 10 PIN tuşlu. Ayrıca veriyi korumak için 256-bit AES şifreleme kullanmasının yanında doğru PIN girilene kadar da sürücü şifrelenmiş olarak kalıyor. Maksimum 10 adet giriş hakkı bulunan USB'de bu sayı geçilirse belleği formatlamaktan başka çareniz yok.

Doğru PIN kodunu girmeniz için ise önce belleği PC'nize bağlamanız gerekiyor. İşletim sisteminiz Windows, Mac ya da Linux olabilir.

Bellek kendisini fiziksel saldırılardan da korumasını biliyor. Şifreleme PIN'i yapışkan bir reçineyle tutturuluyor ve herhangi bir oynamaya karşı çipi kırıyor. Bellek piyasadaki bellekler gibi 2GB, 4GB, 8GB ve 16GB kapasitelerinde. Fiyatı ise daha çok güvenlik isteyenler için makul; 4GB "LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive" 62 dolar.

KAYNAK :http://www.veteknoloji.com/boyle-usb-bellek-gormediniz-30765--.html

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Systematic Development has announced LOK-IT Secure Flash Drive a new Secure Flash Drive with 5 digit keypad to be entered to gain access and a more sophisticated model with 10 keys.

Think about this, we are all putting all of our most important information on a Flash Drive. We than carry it in our wallets, purse or key ring. Anybody can get control of your USB Flash Drive they will get all of your information.

Both USB Storage Sticks use 256-bit encryption to secure data, both drives remain encrypted until the correct PIN code is entered at the point it is inserted into the PC, which can be Windows, Mac or Linux. Each drive supports two keys, one for the user and one for an admin.

The drive design resists physical attacks by surrounding the chip on which the encryption PIN is held in a strong case that breaks the chip if tampered with. Brute force PIN hacking is blocked by a maximum of ten logins attempts after which the drive has to be reformatted.

In other respects, apart from its aluminum case and dust and water resistance, the drive is identical to any other USB stick, coming in 2GB, 4GB, 8GB and 16GB capacities


Icon Lock-iT XP uses 'private key' password protection as part of its encryption algorithm. By default, this password is not stored and is thus completely unrecoverable.

When locking a file, you must enter the password twice as password verification, avoiding a password typo.

You can type in a optional hint in case you forget your password.

Although the encryption algorithm for Icon Lock-iT XP is much greater than the previous 128-bit, the practical security of your files depends on the passwords you use to secure them. You can use any of the 222 ANSI characters in your passwords. Although of those 222 characters, only 94 are easily accessed on the keyboard (letter, number and symbol keys with and without "shift"). Therefore, we'll use 94 for the following calculations.

If you use a single character password, the odds of someone else keying that password are 1 in 94 since there are 94 possible characters on the keyboard.

If you use a two-character password, the chance of someone guessing your password is 1 in 8,836 or 94 multiplied by 94 since each character of the password can be one of 94 keyboard characters.

If you use a three-character password, the chance of someone guessing it is 1 in 830,584 or 1 in 94 x 94 x 94.

Another way to look at According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's web site it would take a code cracking machine approximately 149 thousand-billion (149 trillion) years to crack just a 128-bit AES key. Our friendly universe is believed to be less than 20 billion years old, so lock up!

Chance of guessing a password with a given number of characters

Characters Chances (1 in x)

2 8,836

3 830,584

4 78,074,896

5 7,339,040,224

6 689,869,781,056

7 64,847,759,419,264

8 6,095,689,385,410,820

9 572,994,802,228,617,000

10 53,861,511,409,490,000,000

11 5,062,982,072,492,060,000,000

12 475,920,314,814,253,000,000,000

13 44,736,509,592,539,800,000,000,000

14 4,205,231,901,698,740,000,000,000,000

Password recommendations

Don't use words or names

Don't use birthdays

Use a combination of letters, numbers and symbols

Use at least six characters

Use the shift key

Disable password recovery (must be an administrator)

Don't tell anyone


Password Hints

Icon Lock-iT includes an invaluable "Hint" feature just in case you forget or misplace your password of an encrypted file. The hint that you use can be as specific or obscure as you wish; it's designed to give you a memory jog if you need it. This is optional and is not required to complete the locking of a file. It can really save you a great deal of frustration and if you keep the hint to a description that means something only to you, it need not compromise your valued security. We highly recommend you do so, as we are not able to recover passwords for you should you, for example, forget the obscure Urdu word you used for your financial records.



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