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Isurfer Shield 2.2.1


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iSurfer Shield 2.2.1 | Surf Anonymous | 6.64 MB

iSurfer Shield - enables you to be online in safe mode, to hide from dangerous websites your real IP address, thereby preventing its use for criminal purposes. With just one click of the mouse you will be able to mislead hackers and intruders, replacing your real IP address of the various anonymous addresses of dozens of other countries. When you surf the Internet at home, at work or in a cafe, you are still not protected from breaking into your account, spam and other unpleasant things. Do not waste your time on the correction of problems after hacker or virus attacks. You just can stop them in advance! In addition, iSurfer Shield protects your e-mail from hundreds of spam messages, and thus save you money you would spend on anti-spam filters and tools. Thanks to this program's spam will not even get in your box!

However you connect to the Internet...through your home computer, workstation, or a laptop on the road you leave "tracks" behind you through your IP address. Whether you're surfing web pages, shopping online, or even simply chatting with friends, your IP address is recorded by servers in various places and logged. This is fine with trusted sites...but what about those that are "not trusted"?

If you really think about what can happen when someone gets a hold of your IP address, it's pretty scary and many of us don't think about it much...until it's too late. iSurfer Shield protects you from that "too late" happening to you

Spammers, phishers, and hackers are working hard behind the scenes of those less trustworthy sites. Once they can pick up your real IP address, they can often hack right into your PC and harvest personal data or your financial information. Identity theft happens every day of the week, and hackers know how to do it simply to those who aren't protected

iSurfer Shield STOPS this disaster BEFORE it happens by helping you to protect your IP and email identities. Prying eyes, malicious sites, and spammers? They can forget about trying to get to your information. They can keep trying, but iSurfer Shield will shut them down cold every time and eventually they'll just give up.

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