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Xirrus Wi-fi Inspector


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Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector | 21mb

The Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector is a powerful tool for managing and troubleshooting the Wi-Fi on a Windows XP or Vista & seven laptop. Built in tests enable you to characterize the integrity and performance of your Wi-Fi connection. Applications include:

Searching for Wi-Fi networks

Managing and troubleshooting Wi-Fi connections

Verifying Wi-Fi coverage

Locating Wi-Fi devices

Detecting rogue APs

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Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector 1.0.1 || FULL VERSION



The Xirrus Wi-Fi Inspector is a full-featured utility for monitoring Wi-Fi networks and managing the Wi-Fi operation of a laptop. Operating as a standalone application for Windows XP or Vista, the Wi-Fi Inspector provides detailed information about available Wi-Fi networks, management of a laptop’s Wi-Fi connection, and tools to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity issues. It provides a useful tool for anyone deploying and operating Wi-Fi.


The Wi-Fi Inspector can be used for a number of practical applications, including:

• Searching for Wi-Fi networks

• Managing laptop Wi-Fi connection

• Troubleshooting Wi-Fi connectivity issues

• Verifying Wi-Fi coverage (site survey)

• Locating Wi-Fi devices

• Detecting rogue APs

• Verifying AP settings

. Aiming Wi-Fi antennas

• Education on Wi-Fi


• Dynaamic radar viiew displayinng local Wi-FFi network names and reelative distance

• Detaiiled informattion table of all local Wi--Fi networks

• Display of laptop’s Wi-Fi connection detaails and mosst important nnetwork adddresses

• Netwwork link and throughput tests for trouubleshootingg Wi-Fi connnections

• Real--time graph of signal streength of onee or more Wi-Fi networks with 8 minute history

• Locatte mode for tracking Wi--Fi network ssignal strenggth, includingg audible beeep

• Direcctly Connect//Disconnect to Wi-Fi nettworks

• Optioon to Enable/Disable Wi--Fi adapter ((Vista only)

• Integrated glossaary of Wi-Fi tterms


Installatioon and operaation of the XXirrus Wi-Fi Inspector reequires the ffollowing:

1. Windows Vista or Windows XP SP2 or later

2. Wi-Fii adapter, eitther built-in oor external

3. Adobbe Flash Playyer for running Speed TTest. If you do not have tthe Flash Plaayer installed, it cann be downloaaded from: hhttp://get.adoobe.com/flasshplayer/

4. Microosoft .NET FFramework 22.0 or later.




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