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Statism (or etatism) is a western source economic term. Statism is an ideology advocating the use of states to achieve goals, both economic and social. In the Western, because of the inner-contradictions of capitalism statism emerged. But Turkey’s case was very different. Atatürk's statism similar to neither Russia's collectivist statism, nor Western's oligarchic statism. Because Atatürk's statism is populist and democrat.
Until the 1930s, Turkey's important economical opportunities did not have. Nobody's big capital didn't have. Over and above, everybody was expecting everything from government. Therefore public institutions wasn’t founded. If there were bourgeois class, Turkey would developed with private sector's help. In Turkey, but there was no bourgeois class. Another solution needed for development. Thus the 1930s with İsmet İnönü's attempt and with Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's support, statism policy were put into effect. Expected economic reforms started with statism principle. Moreover according to statism principle, the country policy was determined.
At first there was two major benefits. One of them, country developed with infrastructure and industrial investments quickly. In the early years of capitalism, European worker worked like slave. But Turkish worker worked like human because of statism principle. 1929 - 1939 years between, as industrial speed up average of World was %19, industrial speed up of Turkey was %96. Turkey weren't better than no country outside the SSSR and Japan in industrial production.
Absolutely, There are negative aspects of statism. But they are not very important. Because statism is a temporary principle. Statism emerged because of conditions of Turkey. Statism changed to liberalism with time.
Kemal Atatürk made clear in his statements and policies that Turkey's complete modernisation was very much dependent on economic and technological development. The principle of statism was interpreted to mean that the state was to regulate the country's general economic activity and the state was to engage in areas where private enterprise was not willing to do so, or where private enterprise had proved to be inadequate, or if national interest required it. In the application of the principle of statism, however, the state emerged not only as the principle source of economic activity but also as the owner of the major industries of the country.

Arkadaşlar ödevi yaptım ama kesin hata yapmışımdır. Sizden hatalarımı bulmanızı rica ediyorum.Şimdiden teşekkürler. :D
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