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Anti Tracks V7.1.6.1


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Anti Tracks v7.1.6.1 | 6.06 MB

Anti Tracks is a complete solution to protect your privacy and enhance your PC performance. With a simple click Anti Tracks securely erase your internet tracks, computer activities and programs history information stored in many hidden files on your computer. Anti Tracks support Internet Explorer, AOL, Netscape, Mozilla FireFox and Opera browsers. It also include more than 100 free plug-ins to extend erasing features to support popular programs such as ACDSee, Acrobat Reader, KaZaA, PowerDVD, WinZip, iMesh, Winamp and much more.


Browser Cleaning

No matter which Internet browser you use...Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, AOL, Netscape, Mozilla, or Opera...your worries about Internet surfing "trails" are over: Anti Tracks' Browser Cleaning feature will safely and securely erase your browser tracks, leaving no traces behind

Windows Cleaning

You do a lot of things every day with Windows: open documents, make spreadsheets, download songs, watch movies, and more, and Windows keeps track of all those activities. Anti Tracks' Windows Cleaning feature securely erases all your Windows usage tracks...histories of your recent documents, your network cache, Windows registry streams, searches, and much more. They're gone forever, leaving no trail behind you of your Windows usage habits

File Shredding

Shredding isn't just for hard copy anymore! With Anti Tracks' File Shredding, you can permanently overwrite and securely erase any file or folder on your computer, making them unrecoverable by even sophisticated file recovery tools. Anti Tracks users know permanent file shredding means that material is out of sight for good

File and Folder Locking

Have some documents, spreedsheets, images that you worry about being seen by the wrong eyes? Anti Tracks' File and Folder locking feature allows you to securly lock your files and folders using 10+ of the best, strongest and most sophisticated encryption algorithms. Seal your folders, lock them, and make them almost impossible to break into by even the most advanced hackers

File and Folder Hiding

Hide important files, documents and spreedsheets in any picture or audio file steganographically. Pictures and audio files used to hide your important files and folders will appear as regular pictures and audio files so that no one will ever suspect that there is anything hidden inside them.

"Incognito" IP Hiding

For all the good websites you can visit, there are always a few bad ones in there as well, malicious websites that capture your machine's IP and can use it against you. Anti Tracks' IP Hider feature helps keep your real IP address from those pirates and prying eyes! You could be in the U.S., with a masked IP that places you in Japan, Europe, or any other place in the world. Safely and securely surf the Net, without worrying about malicious pirates, with Anti Tracks' IP Hider

E-Mail and News Management

You read and delete a lot of e-mail; some of it's important, some of it's not. But chances are if an e-mail is important, you've backed it up or printed it, then deleted it; you do the same thing with very old e-mail you don't need anymore, just to keep your inbox in good shape. Delete it, and it's gone, right?

Not necessarily. Sending an email to trash, even "permanently deleting" it, doesn't get rid of it forever. It's still recoverable. But with Anti Tracks' E-Mail and News Management, you have a solution. Whether you use MS Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, or Eudora mail, Anti Tracks' E-Mail and News feature will securely erase those unwanted e-mails and render them unrecoverable, keeping sensitive information and private correspondence away from those who have no business seeing it

Junk and Obsolete Files Cleaner

While your system needs certain files in order to operate correctly, over time, a system can accumulate lots of "junk" files. These are not only unnecessary; they can waste hard drive space and cause impaired system performance. Anti Tracks' Junk and Obsolete File cleaner safely scans your system for all occurrences of junk and obsolete files and helps you safely and securely erase them, thus removing all the clutter that gets in the way of peak system performance...leaving your PC healthier, faster, and with more space available to you!

Removing Duplicate Files

More than one copy of the same file can be useful on a temporary basis; keeping multiple copies of the same files can clutter your hard drive and actually make file management more difficult. Anti Tracks' Duplicate Fles Cleaner scans your computer for duplicate files and pinpoints their location for you. Then, you choose which copies to keep and let Anti Tracks safely dispose of the rest. Uncertain about which files to save and which to toss? Anti Tracks gives you the option of backing up deleted files in a "compressed" archive. Should you need to reverse the deletion, it's easy to do so without compromising disk space and performance, since the backup takes up far less space

Disk Wiping

You can manually delete files and folders by sending them to the recycling bin, then emptying the bin...but that doesn't mean they're gone! They're still on your hard disk, just waiting to be recovered by file recovery tools. Anti Tracks' Disk Wiper scans your hard drive(s) for previously deleted files and folders, then securely erases them. With Anti Tracks' Disk Wiping, your deleted files and folders are unrecoverable, with no chance of restoration even by users with the most sophisticated file recovery tools!

Secure Erasing

Erase your "tracks" unwanted folders, and unnecessary files safely, to U.S. DOD (Department of Defense) DOD 5220.22-M, Gutmann, and NSA clearing and sanitizing standards. These protocols means your erased files stay erased; even with the most cutting-edge file recovery software, when it's gone it's gone!

Third-Party Application

Usage tracks from programs like WinZip, RealPlayer, Windows Media Player, bitTorrent, and others, can reveal your usage habits and other valuable information to anyone. Anti Tracks' Third-Party application thwarts that by enabling you to erase your third-party applications usage "tracks." With 100+ FREE preconfigured plug-ins, you can rest assured that your third-party applications usage tracks are erased securely and permanently. What's more, if you'd like to create your own plug-in, Anti Tracks' Plugins Wizard will help you do that in a matter of a few clicks

Fixing Broken Shortcuts

Shortcuts...they're great, when they work. But they only do their job when the files to which they link stay in the same place on your computer. If you move those files, the shortcut link can get corrupted, rendering the shortcut useless. Anti Tracks' Broken Shortcuts Cleaner help you fix that problem by scanning your system and safely removing all those broken shortcuts from wherever they happen your Start menu, recent documents, and Desktop

Automatic Erasing

Manually loading Anti Tracks to erase your Windows tracks, browser history, or third-party applications usage history every day or every time you finish browsing, turn off your Windows can be a hassle. Fortunately, it's one you won't have to worry about with Anti Tracks' Automatic Erasing! With varied choice settings, Anti Tracks' Automatic Erasing allows you to schedule the erasing to be done automatically at your convenience...in connection with key events such as Windows startup or shutdown, or on specific days, dates, and times when you want the process to occur

Managing Cookies

Cookies can be great conveniences for day-to-day business: your bank account cookies, your social network (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) cookies, cookies that enable that quick weather forecast on your desktop--some of them are fine. Others are not so fine, and you don't want them hanging around. Anti Tracks allows you to make those choices easily and quickly. With Anti Tracks' Cookies Manager, you can easily keep the cookies you want, erase the ones you don't

Home Page Protection

Malicious websites can't get at your Internet Explorer home page with Anti Tracks. With Anti Tracks' IE Home Page Protector, your browser settings and home page address are protected from modification or tampering by malicious websites or phishing pirates that try to get control of your browser without your knowledge or permission

Managing Windows Startup

Too many applications opening up automatically whenever you start your Windows? Use Anti Tracks' Startup Manager to remove that extra clutter. Works easily with your Start menu to streamline startup and get you working faster!

Password Protection

It goes without saying that software that protects you from unauthorized users, pirates, hackers, and prying eyes will, of course, use the best password protection. With this extra level of safety, no one can ever access or change any of your settings or information; your Anti Tracks settings are secure

Detailed Reporting

Anti Tracks users know they don't have to rely on their memory to recall which files were deleted or changed during a cleaning process...or worry that something important was inadvertently erased from their computers. Anti Tracks' Detailed Reporting feature enables you to optionally log track-erasing operations. You'll be able to see, quickly and easily, which files were erased when erasing your browsers, Windows usage tracks, or third-party applications tracks

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Bilgisayarınızdaki güvenliğinizi ve gizliliğinizi korumaya yönelik yazılımlardan birisi. Özellikleri ile diğer programlardan kendini ayırmaya çalışan Anti Tracks'ın bu en son sürümü aşağıdaki silme özelliklerini destekleyen 110'a yakın eklenti ile geliyor.

Secure Erasing (Güvenli Silme)

"Anti Tracks Secure Erasing" bölümünü kullanarak dosyalarınızı güvenle silin. Anti Tracks, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Savunma Bakanlığı Pentagon'un kullandığı yöntemleri kullanır. Bu metodları kullanarak yapılan silme işlemleri, en gelişmiş kurtarma araçlarının bile kurtaramayacağı şekilde dosyaları siler.

Boost Performance (Geliştirme Performansı)

İnternette dolaşım hızınızı, bilgisayarınızın hızını arttırın. Sabit diskinizi yeniden düzenleyin ve tarayıcı geçmişinizi, tampon belleği, geçici internet dosyalarını, geçici Windows dosyalarınızı, son kullanılan belge listenizi, arama tamamlamalarını, ağ tamponunu, .chk dosyalarını, geri dönüşüm kutusunu, "Çalıştır" geçmişinizi ve daha birçok şeyi silerek güvenliğinizi ve gizliliğinizi her zaman koruyun.

Windows Startup Manager (Windows Başlangıç Yöneticisi)

Windows başlar başlamaz otomatikman çalışan girdileri silebilir ya da engelleyebilirsiniz. Anti Tracks Startup Manager ile "Başlat" menüsünden girdileri çıkarabilirsiniz.

Homepage Protection (Anasayfa Koruması)

Internet Explorer tarayıcınızın ayarlarını ve anasayfasını sizin izniniz olmadan değişmesini engelleyin. Sayfalardan ya da herhangi bir programdan kötü niyetli olarak ortaya çıkan ve anasayfanızı ve/veya internet ayarlarınızı değiştiren programları engelleyin.

Cookies and URL Management (Çerezler ve URL Yöneticisi)

İnternette dolaşırken tarayıcılar sayfalara daha çabuk ulaşmanız için bazı bilgileri hafızalarında tutarlar. İzniniz olmadan bu bilgileri başkasının görmesi hoş olmayan sonuçlar doğurabilir. Bu bölümde bunların hepsini, tüm internet girdilerini silebilirsiniz.

Desteklediği Tarayıcılar

Internet Explorer, AOL, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape ve Opera

Browser Cleaning (Tarayıcı Temizleme)

Tarayıcınızın önbellek (cache), çerez (cookie) ve geçmiş (history) gibi sisteminize zarar veren ve yer kaplayan dosyalarını temizleyin. Anti Tracks, tek fare tıklamasıyla internette bıraktığınız izleri siler. Internet Explorer, AOL, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape ve Opera tarayıcılarını destekler.


+ Çerezleri (cookie) temizler.

+ Önbelleği (cache) temizler. (geçici internet dosyaları)

+ Tarayıcı geçmişini temizler.

+ index.dat dosyasını kilitler.

+ Geçmiş araması yapar.

Windows Cleaning (Windows Temizleme)

Windows, bilgisayarı kullanımız sırasında yaptığınız işlemleri hafızasında tutar, bu da sizden başka kullanan varsa, bilgisayarınızdaki gizliliğinizi tehlikeye atar. "Anti Tracks Windows Cleaning" bu biriktirilen bilgileri silebilir. Sildiği bilgiler arasında son kullanılan belgeler listesi, ağ belleği, kayıt girdileri, arama geçmişiniz ve daha birçok girdi.


+ En son döküman geçmişini temizler.

+ Windows Temp klasörünü temizler.

+ Geçmiş dosyalarını arar.

+ Bilgisayar geçmişini arar.

+ Ağ önbelleğini temizler.

+ Telnet geçmişini temizler.

+ Geri dönüşüm kutusunu boşaltır.

+ Windows SWAP dosyalarını temizler.

+ Ve daha fazlası...

Password Protected (Şifre Korumalı)

Anti Tracks programınızı ve ayarlarınızı şifreleyerek başkalarının erişmesini engelleyin, böylece programınız her zaman sizin istediğiniz gibi çalışacak.

Detailed Reporting (Ayrıntılı Rapor)

Eğer isterseniz Anti Tracks, sildiğiniz (ya da kendi sildiği) dosyaların ve/veya klasörlerin listesini tutar. Böylece yaptığınız işlemler ile ilgili her zaman elinizde veriler olur ki ne yaptığınızı sürekli görebilirsiniz.

Mail and News Management (Posta ve Haber Yönetimi)

Outlook Express posta programının oluşturduğu her türlü izi silmek için kullanabileceğiniz bu bölümde çok kolay bir şekilde işinize yarayacak postaları ayıklayabilir, onları saklayabilir ve bu bölümü çoklu kullanım için uygun şekilde ayarlayabilirsiniz.

Automatic Erasing (Otomatik Silme)

Anti Tracks programını ayarlayın ve istediğiniz zaman istemediğiniz girdileri silsin. İstediğiniz zamanı ayarlayabilir, ya da bilgisayarınızı açtığınızda ya da kapadığınızda (ayarlayarak) bu işlemin kendiliğinden olmasını sağlayabilirsiniz.

File Shredder (Dosya Yok Edicisi)

Bazı dosyalarınızın bir daha hiçbir zaman ulaşılmamasını isteyebilirsiniz. Normal silme işlemi ile bu silinen dosyalar yardımcı bir programla kolaylıkla bulunabilir. Ama bu bölümdeki işlemlerle silinen bir dosyayı bir daha asla, hangi programı kullanırsanız kullanın geri döndüremezsiniz.

Disk Wiper (Disk Silici)

Sürücülerinizdeki gizli veri alanlarını güvenle silebilirsiniz. FAT ve NTFS dosya sistemlerini destekler

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