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Olympia Logo Creation V1.7.7.44 Multilingual


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Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.43 Multilingual TEAM-Full


Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.43 Multilingual TEAM-Full

The logo Creation software for your business, your brand or your event! A good company logo should be unique, simple and easy to remember. It’s a visual representation of your company or your business. It’s your identity! Create a connection with your users. You will commit to this logo for a long time, so make it right from the beginning by relying on the advanced tools of Olympia Logo Creation Software. Make it remarkable!

Create your logos with ease!
- Thousands of ready-to-use templates
- Insert your own photos, images and text
- Export to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
- Easy to use

Rich in templates, Olympia Logo Creation is the ideal solution to create one or several logos. Easily create the perfect logo for your company, brand or event!

Olympia Logo Creation is perfect for
- Anyone who needs to make a professional logo
- New businesses, teams, companies, groups & more
- Product Branding – create multipe logos
- Existing logos that need a refresh
- Small businesses who need an updated look
- Start-ups in search of that perfect identity

The perfect tool to create your logo
Create your logo from scratch or modify any of the professionally designed logo templates into your own unique design. Modify colors, fonts, graphics, and more until you are fully satisfied and you’ve achieved your perfect logo. With Olympia Logo Creation, you own everything you create. Unleash your creative power !

Trust vector graphics
With Olympia Logo Creation, your logo will never look blurry or pixelated when enlarged. The very unique built in vector tools and graphics allow you to scale your logo to any size without losing sharpness or clarity. From web images to signage to full size billboards – your logo will look perfect in any size and in any place !

Export to several types of formats
- Standard format

- Over 2,000 pre-designed vector graphics
- Royalty-free images
- Creative filters and effects
- Over 65 fonts for commercial use
- Over 100 professionally created design ideas, including
- Posters
- Postcards
- Print banners
- Web banners
- Signs
- Illustrations
- Funny artistic expressions

Wide range of models
Logo Creation includes a large selection of logos that you can use to create your own logo.

You also dispose of a large library of vector objects classified by category such as
- Animals
- Leisure
- Nature
- Transport
- Etc

System Requirements
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
- 512 MB RAM
- 1500 MB hard disk storage

Supported Languages
English, French, German

Home Page - https://www.avanquest.com/


Download TEAM-Full



Exe - Hash

Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.43 Multilingual TEAM-Full

CRC32: 251509ED
MD5: 934126A6BFA14B7C5552FAFF2A311FF7
SHA-1: 141E9FA6CBFAED4419B614D441F30A8140D29EC4


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  • _2024_ changed the title to Olympia Logo Creation V1.7.7.44 Multilingual

Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.44 Multilingual TEAM-Full


Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.44 Multilingual TEAM-Full

Exe - Hash

Olympia Logo Creation v1.7.7.44 Multilingual TEAM-Full

CRC32: 5327C9FA
MD5: 9DBDD667229E74F7123B240299C6927F
SHA-1: A8FD7C34154E3211076A4ABA181C165A501FEA66

Download 796 MB

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      Exe - Hash
      CRC32: 2FED33DC
      MD5: 33125B44C50472F72867068E497A2AD7
      SHA-1: 5D068F09EA1286FABCD011A7165C669033F3B418
      Size:  1.89 MB
      Download TEAM-Full
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      Olympia Graphic Design v1.7.7.43 Multilingual

      Olympia Graphic Design v1.7.7.43 Multilingual
      Create unlimited illustrations, shapes and graphics that you can use with any of your other publishing software. Olympia Graphic design software enables users to create flyers, backdrops, t-shirts, signs, billboards, tickets, banners, posters and more.

      Create your designs with ease!
      - More than 2000 ready-to-use templates
      - Insert your own photos, images and text
      - Import and export in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
      - Royalty-free images
      - Easy to use

      Rich in templates, Olympia Graphic Design is the ideal solution to create your different designs. Easily create your perfect design for your business, brand or event!

      Olympia Graphic Design allows you to use
      - Full layer support
      - Powerful Bezier editing tools
      - Boolean operations to create new shapes
      - Create artistic text and add text anywhere
      - Full support for SVG files, including import and export.
      - Knife tool to cut graphics on the canvas
      - Eraser tool to remove parts of graphics
      - Blending tool to create 3D tunnel effects and unique shapes
      - Component library to save and reuse new graphics you create.
      - Background and fill textures
      - Artistic shapes, text and strokes for added style
      - Smoothing tool for smoothing freehand drawings.
      - Artistic colour palettes and gradients

      Create an unlimited number of illustrations, shapes and graphics that can be used with any other publishing software. Olympia Graphic design allows users to create flyers, backdrops, t-shirts, signs, posters, tickets, banners, posters and much more.

      - Create stunning graphics - trust Olympia Graphic to create complex shapes and illustrations at your own pace.
      - Use the powerful vector drawing tools to sketch an illustration or import a photo or graphic to edit and add creative details.
      - With full layer support, powerful Bezier editing tools, and support for SVG files, Olympia Graphic Design is the ideal tool for creating complex shapes and illustrations.
      - Simply choose from over 100 professionally created design ideas and edit them using the flexible and intuitive drawing tools. You can also choose from the 2,000 vector objects that are included.
      - Creating stunning graphics and designs is made easier to manage with layers. Need to change the colour of any part of your design? Simply click on the layer icon and make your changes without disturbing other parts of the design. Brighten up your designs with our palette of artistic colours and gradients.

      - Over 2,000 pre-designed vector graphics
      - Royalty-free images
      - Creative filters and effects
      - Over 65 fonts for commercial use
      - Over 100 professionally created design ideas, including
      - Posters
      - Postcards
      - Print banners
      - Web banners
      - Signs
      - Illustrations
      - Funny artistic expressions

      Wide range of models
      Graphic Design includes a large selection of ready-to-use designs that you can use to create your own designs.

      You also dispose of a large library of vector objects classified by category such as
      - Animals
      - Leisure
      - Nature
      - Transport
      - Etc
      Release Notes

      System Requirements
      - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11
      - 512 MB RAM
      - 300 MB hard disk storage

      Supported Languages
      English, French, German
      Home Page-
      Download TEAM-Full
      Exe - Hash
      Olympia Graphic Design v1.7.7.43 Multilingual TEAM-Full
      CRC32: 8BE5E816
      MD5: A93AD2BAD8564F2559C61632066486F5
      SHA-1: E2E883F907156CCA736AB68ED57B715D085E14A5
    • By _2024_
      InnoExtractor 2025 v8.0.0.603 Ultra Multilingual

      InnoExtractor 2025 v8.0.0.603 Ultra Multilingual
      InnoExtractor is a powerful application that helps you to unpack Inno Setup installers using InnoUnp technology. With InnoExtractor you can explore the internal structure and content of the installer and you can to extract them to a local folder or a portable devices, without having to run the setup.

      Simple and friendly GUI.
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      Extract the embedded files and script to a local folder, to a zip package or to a self-extracting module (portable).
      Decompiles the "CompiledCode.bin" file of the Installer to get the assembly code, corresponding to the "Code" script section (for advanced users only).
      Open internal files of the installer into the same application.
      Perform file searches by keyword.
      Input panel, that allows you to enter a valid password to extract encrypted installers.
      Properties panel to see advanced information about the installer.
      History for recently opened installer.
      Other miscellaneous options.
      Support older and latest versions of Inno Setup.
      Support older and latest versions of InnoUnp.
      Application available in multiple languages.
      Designed for Windows 11, Windows 10; Windows 8.1; Windows 8; Windows 7; Windows Vista; Windows XP; Windows 2000.
      Full Unicode support.
      Much more.

      Screen : Karmaşık ve zaman alıcı dosya çıkarma işlemleriyle uğraşmaktan bıktınız mı? Başka yerde arama! Tüm ekstraksiyon ihtiyaçlarınız için mükemmel çözümü bulduk. Karşınızda InnoExtractor – sıkıştırılmış dosyaları işleme şeklinizde devrim yaratacak en üst düzey yazılım. İster teknoloji konusunda bilgili bir profesyonel olun, ister günlük bir kullanıcı olun, bu güçlü araç hayatınızı basitleştirmek ve dosya çıkarmayı çocuk oyuncağı haline getirmek için tasarlanmıştır. Bu heyecan verici blog yazısında InnoExtractor'ın inanılmaz özelliklerini incelerken hayal kırıklığına elveda ve verimliliğe merhaba deyin. Daha önce hiç olmadığı kadar kolay dosya çıkarmanın yepyeni bir dünyasını deneyimlemeye hazır olun!
      InnoExtractor'ın Özellikleri
      Basit ve kullanıcı dostu GUI. Yükleyicileri yalnızca Windows Gezgini'nden sürükleyip bırakarak uygulamada açın. Yükleyicinin dahili içeriğini (dosyalar ve daha fazlası) keşfedin. Katıştırılmış dosyaları ve komut dosyasını yerel bir klasöre, bir zip paketine veya kendi kendine açılan bir modüle (taşınabilir) ayıklayın. "Code" komut dosyası bölümüne karşılık gelen derleme kodunu almak için Installer'ın "CompiledCode.bin" dosyasını kaynak koda dönüştürür (yalnızca ileri düzey kullanıcılar için). Yükleyicinin dahili dosyalarını aynı uygulamada açın. Anahtar kelimeye göre dosya aramaları yapın. Şifreli yükleyicileri çıkarmak için geçerli bir şifre girmenizi sağlayan giriş paneli. Yükleyici hakkında gelişmiş bilgileri görmek için Özellikler paneli. Son açılan yükleyicinin geçmişi. Diğer çeşitli seçenekler. Inno Setup'ın eski ve en son sürümlerini destekleyin. InnoUnp'un eski ve en son sürümlerini destekleyin. Uygulama birden çok dilde mevcuttur. Windows 11, Windows 10 için tasarlanmıştır; Windows 8.1; Windows 8; Windows 7; Windows Vista; Windows XP; Windows 2000. Tam Unicode desteği. Çok daha fazlası... Dosya Adı: InnoExtractor 2025 v8.0.0.603
      Geliştirici: Ana Sayfa
      Lisans: Shareware
      Dil: Çok dilli
      İşletim Sistemi: Windows 2k – 11.
      Exe - Hash
      CRC32: 40CF731B
      MD5: AF79BCAF9A1B4641F8DF88399F290EF1
      SHA-1: 5E7A49A7FFBFED814FDCE915B19E2B6D343BD411
    • By _2024_
      Windows 10 Pro (64-Bit) 22H2 v19045.4529 Multilingual Pre-activated

      Languages: Arabic,English,German,Greek,French,Spanish,Italian,Dutch,Portuguese-Portuguese,Portuguese-Brazil,Turkish,Czech | 5.61 GB
      Windows 10 is a Microsoft Windows operating system for PCs and workstations that is part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. This operating system was introduced on September 30, 2014 under the Build 2014 program and was officially released on July 29, 2015
      Windows 10 x64 Bit is the most powerful version of windows that comes with Microsoft Edge, a brand new browser built to give you a better web experience. This is a version of Windows 10 Pro - Pre-activated providing the latest technologies to users, this effort hopes to help increase Microsoft's strong influence on the computing market that Windows is suffering from. Competition is fierce against other platforms, but Microsoft's Windows platform is losing its upper hand.
      The most notable improvements of Windows 10 Pro x64 Bit can be mentioned as: Task View allows previewing images on an intuitive, clear interface; Timeline becomes more handy; Focus Assist is more effective when you need to focus on completing tasks; Edge is much lighter now; Windows Update has been changed to help users inconvenience. All these improvements make Windows 10 Pro x64 Bit immensely worthwhile. You will enjoy a modern, intuitive interface across your devices (tablets and phones). The Start menu is no longer a problem like in Windows 8 when many users are confused about how to find different buttons and links.
      This Windows 10 installer includes versions:
      Windows 10 Home Windows 10 Pro Windows 10 Home Single Language Windows 10 Pro Education Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Windows 10 Education Windows 10 Enterprise Newly added applications:
      Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64bit Servicing Stack Update: KB4577266 CumulativeUpdate: KB4571756 NET Framework 3.5 Defender Updates. System Requirements:
      Processor: 1 GHz Memory (RAM): 2 GB minimum or 4 GB RAM or more Minimum size: 16 GB Free hard disk space.
    • By _2024_
      Windows 11 Pro 23H2 v22631.3737 NoTPM Multilingual Preactivated

      Windows (x64) | File Size: 7.11 GB

      Windows 11. The main part of this announcement was to be a presentation of a significant user interface change, codenamed Sun Valley. As we know, a significant portion of the UX changes will be borrowed from the Windows 10X shell, and Windows 10X is not coming to market. Now, as expected, the Windows 11 information leak begins.

      What's new in Windows 11
      - Windows 11 will receive a completely new design. Microsoft clearly needs a good reason to reverse its past claims and still ditch Windows 10 by introducing a new operating system number. And a completely new design is great for that. The Redmond giant has long been preparing a redesign for an update with the code name Sun Valley ("Sun Valley") - apparently, under this naming it was Windows 11. The Sun Valley project flashed on the network for a long time - Microsoft regularly disclosed details of the new interface style, insiders shared the unknown previously information, and popular designers in their circles drew realistic concepts based on all this data.

      - Start and system elements will float above the bottom bar. Start is the calling card and face of every recent version of Windows. Not surprisingly, in Windows 11, developers will transform it again, but not so much in functional as in visual terms - the Start window will hover above the bottom bar. We have to admit that this small change makes the appearance of the system much fresher. Judging by information from the network, Microsoft will not radically change the "insides" of this menu - the innovations will affect only the design of the window itself. The control panel will also float, and its design will be exactly the same as that of the "Start". The action center will be combined with the control buttons together - a similar one has long been used in some other operating systems. Almost all mentions of this new menu indicate that it will be island - the control buttons will be located on one separate panel, notifications will be on another, and specific elements (like a player) on another separate one.

      - Right angles will disappear, they will be replaced
      by fillets. In truth, insiders and concept designers disagree on this point - some are confident that Microsoft will not change its traditions and will keep right angles, while others are convinced that in 2021 Microsoft will follow the fashion for fillets. The latter fits better with the definition of "ompletely new Windows" - just hovering menus are not enough for a new design to be considered truly new. Fillets are expected to affect virtually everything in the system, from context menus and system panels to all application windows. True, even on this issue, the opinions of concept designers differ - some draw fillets in all possible interface elements, others combine them with right angles.

      - There will be a translucent background with blur everywhere. There is disagreement on the web about the island style of displaying windows, the design of the corners and the levitation effect of the menu, but almost everyone is unanimous about the transparency of the windows. The vast majority of leaks and design renders show transparency and blur in all windows, be it at least the Start menu or Explorer. Moreover, these effects are even in the assembly of the canceled Windows 10X operating system, which Microsoft was developing for devices with two screens and weak gadgets in parallel with the Sun Valley project. The so-called acrylic transparency implies the use of new effects when hovering over elements, as well as increased spacing between elements - those areas of the interface with which the user interacts will certainly become larger, and page titles will be thickened.
      - New font that has already been shown. Windows 11 will most likely use the default responsive Segoe UI Variable font, which has already appeared in Windows 10 Build 21376 for Insiders. Its advantage is that it is equally well suited for small texts and large inscriptions. This distinguishes it from standard fonts, which are initially created for either small size or large size. For example, the stable version of Windows 10 currently uses the Segoe UI font, designed for 9pt. In smaller inscriptions, it becomes poorly legible, and in large inscriptions it looks expressionless.

      - Windows 11 will have new icons, and Windows 95 icons will disappear. Yes, they are still in use today. Microsoft will finally transform the icons that are used throughout the system. It's not just about shortcuts to folders, trash cans and other icons found in Explorer. We are talking about all the icons available in the Shell32 directory. There are still icons from the days of Windows 95, and only recently Microsoft updated their design in one of the insider assemblies - of course, they will migrate to Windows 11.
      - Windows 11 will have functional innovations - there are many of them, but they are all small. Much less is known about the features of the upcoming update than about its design. But since Windows 11 and Windows 10X (the canceled OS for weak and foldable devices, the image of which has leaked to the network) were developed in parallel, we can safely assume that all the functions from the latter will appear in Windows 11. For example, Windows 11 will show when the camera is in use computer - the corresponding indicator will be displayed in the system tray.


      System Requirements
      Processor: 2 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.
      RAM: 2 gigabyte (GB).
      Free space on hard disk: 30 gigabytes (GB).
      Graphics card: DirectX 9 graphics device or a newer version.
      Additional requirements to use certain features.
      To use touch you need a tablet or monitor that supports multitouch.
      To access the Windows store to download and run apps, you need an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels

      Screen : What's New
      https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/june-11-2024-kb5039212-os-builds-22621-3737-and-22631-3737-d7f574c0-2b13-48ca-a9fc-a63093b1a2c2 HOMEPAGE
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