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Borland Developer Studio 2006


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Borland Developer Studio 2006











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Borland Developer Studio 2006


Borland’s new programming suite lets you program for Win32 or .NET in C#, C++ and Delphi. And it has one major advantage over Visual Studio.



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Borland Developer Studio 2006

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Power By Design

The Borland Developer Studio supports the Delphi (Object Pascal), C# and C++ languages. For .NET development, using Microsoft’s standard libraries, you can choose between C# and Delphi; for Win32 development using Borland’s VCL (Visual Component Library) you have a choice of either C++ or Delphi. In addition, Delphi can also be used to program .NET applications using a .NET version of the VCL which offers a high degree of compatibility with the Win32 VCL. This makes it possible to load up existing Win32 projects and recompile them for .NET with relatively little code rewriting. In principle, only code which makes explicit API calls, does pointer manipulations or uses platform-specific types (such as the PChar - string-pointer types) will need to be recoded.


ome of the most immediately obvious new features are found in the visual design workspace. For example, the new VCL form designer has gained dynamic alignment guides. These are lines which appear on screen when you drag controls around on a form. When the vertical or horizontal edge of one control aligns with the matching edge of another control a line automatically ‘joins’ the two of them so that you can tell instantly when they are in perfect alignment. There are also visual cues to show you when controls are evenly spaced or at an optimal distance from one another.

Useful as these features are, they are, disappointingly, only implemented in VCL applications. If you are working an a Windows Forms .NET application, no alignment guides are shown. Since Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2005 provides similar alignment guides, this omission seems curious.


Interactive Editing

Unlike Visual Studio, the BDS has no built-in programming or macro language. However, it has gained some useful new additions to speed up some coding tasks. There are things called ‘live templates’ which are, in essence, blocks of boilerplate code with some interactive features. For example, in C#, you could create a for loop by entering the text ‘for’ then pressing the space bar (or Ctrl+J and selecting a template from a list). This would automatically insert this



By pressing the Tab key you could now jump between the ‘live’ elements (shown in boxes), int, i and length to allow you to edit these. If, for example, you change the first occurrence of the variable i to x, the subsequent references to i will automatically be changed to x. There are live templates to insert class definitions, get and set properties, case statements and so on, with different sets of templates for each language. The templates are defined in XML files; new templates can easily be added (there is a New Item Wizard to help with this) or existing ones edited.

The C# Code Surround Menu...

There is also a ‘code surround’ tool which lets you mark off a block of text in the editor and make a menu selection to surround with language constructs such as a while block, a try..except exception handling block or comment delimiters. Handy as this is, the menu had the annoying habit of vanishing off the bottom of the screen if you select text midway down the editor at some screen resolutions (e.g. 1024x768).

The BDS editor has all the things you would expect of a modern code editor including syntax colouring, collapsible regions, multi-level undo/redo, brace matching and Code Insight (Borland’s equivalent of Microsoft’s IntelliSense - providing drop-down lists of properties and methods, the arguments required by method calls and so on).

In this new release it has gained an improved ‘gutter’, the left-hand margin of the editor in which line numbers are displayed (every ten lines or at intervals of the user’s choice). The gutter also displays a coloured change bar to mark any lines which have been edited (yellow here) and saved since the file was opened with a different colour marker showing lines which have been edited by not yet saved. The gutre is also used for setting breakpoints (the red circle) when debugging.

Other improvements include some new VCL components such as panels which mimic the layout features of Java (e.g. GridBagLayout and FlowLayout) and a control to let you add application icons to the Windows system tray.

Borland’s new programming suite lets you program for Win32 or .NET in C#, C++ and Delphi. And it has one major advantage over Visual Studio, says Huw Collingbourne.

See also: A Visual Studio user’s view of Borland Developer Studio

and: Bob Swart on ECO III

If you thought Microsoft’s Visual Studio was the only serious IDE for Windows programming - think again! Borland’s Developer Studio (BDS) 2006 is a suite of programming languages with an elegant environment, a good code editor, visual designer and debugger.

The Borland Developer Studio has a first rate IDE. Here you can see the form designer workspace. You can drag and drop controls onto the form from the Tool Palette (bottom right) and alter properties in the Object Inspector (at the left). A tabbed ’Events’ page lets you pick events for a selected control and you can program event-handler methods in the code editor.

In common with Visual Studio 2005, the BDS can create .NET applications. But, unlike Visual Studio, it also provides a full set of editing, design and debugging tools for Win32 applications. And best of all, it is even possible to create ‘cross-platform’ Windows applications that that can be compiled either for Win32 or for .NET. This is one show-stopping trick which Microsoft customers can only dream of…!

BDS Editions

Debugging and Language

The debugger has gained a few new features such as remote debugging (that is, debugging an application on a different PC running on a network or across the Internet) and the ability to ‘drill down’ into properties and fields within a single debugger window instead of constantly having to popup new inspector windows for each new level of detail as was required in previous releases of Delphi. In my view, this is a huge improvement. I have never grown to love the old style of Delphi debugger which had the uncivilised tendency to fill your workspace with popup windows. The new style debugger is much more like the one in Visual Studio.



Win32 and .NET Compatibility

Finally, let’s return to one of Delphi’s greatest claims to fame - its ability to migrate Win32 applications to .NET, or even to allow the simultaneous development of applications for the Win32 and .NET platforms. Whereas Microsoft has done much too little, much too late, to assist Visual Basic users to migrate to .NET, Borland has provided a whole .NET version of its existing component library, the VCL, to ensure (in theory) that it is very simple to move between Win32 and .NET.

In some cases, it is even possible to load up Win32 applications and run them under .NET without having to rewrite a single line of code. However, in practice, the conversion process will rarely be quite that simple. Most applications of any complexity will require a good many manual alterations to code. Pointer operations, API calls and any code which uses ‘incompatible’ types such as PChars, will have to be recoded. Some of the recoding may be straightforward - simply substituting one type for another, say. Others may require more work - for example, you may need to add namespaces, remove redundant lines of code, create some .NET objects when necessary, move the position of some code (in my experience, you can get away with some things in the Win32 VCL - for example, setting the handle to a control within the control’s OnCreate() method - which you cannot in the .NET version) and so on.



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burdakiler tek paket halinde değil.

burda microsoftun visual studio'suna cevap olarak borland developer studio var.yani microsoft ile borland rekabet halinde diyebiliriz bu aşamada.

paket içeriği : delphi builder 2006 , c++ builder 2006 ve c# builder 2006 , ...


farkını bilemiycem...ama bazı forumlarda delphi 2006 kullanan kişinin delphi 2007 yi kullanması anlamsız falan yazıyordu...aralarında fark yok anlamı çıkıyor gibi bu cümleden..araştırmak lazım.

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burdakiler tek paket halinde değil.

burda microsoftun visual studio'suna cevap olarak borland developer studio var.yani microsoft ile borland rekabet halinde diyebiliriz bu aşamada.

paket içeriği : delphi builder 2006 , c++ builder 2006 ve c# builder 2006 , ...


farkını bilemiycem...ama bazı forumlarda delphi 2006 kullanan kişinin delphi 2007 yi kullanması anlamsız falan yazıyordu...aralarında fark yok anlamı çıkıyor gibi bu cümleden..araştırmak lazım.

delphi editörü konusunda borland önde olabilir ama C# microsoft un teknolojisi onlardan daha iyi bir editör yazabiliceklerini sanmıyorum Visual Studio.NET 2005 üzerine tanımıyorum...

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