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YogaDNS Pro 1.38


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YogaDNS Pro 1.38 EN

First Start Wizard Google Public DNS YogaDNS main window DNS rules example

Ana Sayfa - https://yogadns.com/

Documentation: https://yogadns.com/docs/

Changelog: https://yogadns.com/download/

Windows için En Gelişmiş DNS İstemcisi olan YogaDNS, DNS isteklerini sistem düzeyinde otomatik olarak yakalar ve bunları modern protokoller ve esnek kurallar kullanarak kullanıcı tanımlı DNS sunucuları üzerinden işlemenizi sağlar.

Sistem düzeyinde entegrasyon
Sistem çözümleyicisinden ve uygulamalardan gelen tüm istekleri otomatik olarak yakalar
DNS yapılandırmasını manuel olarak değiştirmeye gerek yoktur

Düz, HTTPS ve TLS üzerinden DNS, DNSCrypt ve Anonimleştirilmiş DNS
Yerel doğrulamalı DNSSEC
IPv4 ve IPv6

Esnek kurallar
Birden çok DNS sunucusu tanımlayın ve çözümleyin ana bilgisayar adı maskesine ve ana bilgisayar dosyalarına dayalıdır
Çözümleme için kullanılan ağ arabirimini (ethernet, Wi-Fi, VPN, vb.) belirtin

İşletim Sistemleri: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11, Server 2012, 2016, 2019, 2022


Introduction - EN


The Domain Name System (DNS) is the fundamental component of Internet communications. It translates human-readable names, such as www.example.net, to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses that can be accessible through a network.

The standard DNS protocol is very old and cannot satisfy the requirements of modern networking, including security, flexibility and reliability. To address these problems, a number of improvements and new protocols have been suggested, but unfortunately, they are not well supported, even by the latest operating systems and apps.

YogaDNS helps to resolve all these problems and move DNS to the next level. It can resolve hostnames over DNSCrypt, DNS over HTTPS (DoH) and plain (standard) DNS protocols as well as perform DNSSEC validation (local and remote). DNSCrypt can be anonymized through relays. Additionally, YogaDNS features built-in support for NextDNS.

The key feature of YogaDNS is the system-level integration. In other words, there is no need to change any existing DNS settings in multiple places. YogaDNS captures DNS requests at the system level and processes them according to your configuration and rules.

Even if you do not plan to use modern DNS protocols yet, you can get a lot of benefits and powerful features. YogaDNS allows you to define and use multiple DNS servers and pools simultaneously and set the rules based on hostname mask. You can process or block the resolves, choose the network interface, and so on. Optionally, you can set the rules to be triggered only if there is a specific network or VPN connection available.

Finally, with YogaDNS you can easily import publicly available DNS servers from the web, test them and find the best ones.


Dil: İngilizce


 Key: 09GO1-R1939-QIH3C-GM86Q-NP0IC

 Key: RISKA-K07O1-MPU24-4I3PN-PQ5A7


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