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Çin dünyayı uyardı


Yeni tespit edilen tehlikeli bir virüs ile ilgili olarak Çin'den bütün dünyaya uyarı yapıldı

24 Kasım 2009 Salı, 17:45

Dünya genelinde internet üzerinden yayılacağı tahmin edilen virüs bilgisayar kullanıcılarını tehdit ediyor. Worm_Piloyd.B isimli virüs EXE, HTML, ASP uzantılı dosyaları etkiliyor ve bilgisayar kullanıcılarının dosyaları düzeltmelerine olanak sağlamıyor.

İnternet güvenliği şirketlerinin şimdiye kadar bir açıklama yapmaması kullanıcıları telaşlandırıyor.

Antivirüs programlarınızı güncel tutarak virüsten korunabilirsiniz.




[center][color=#FF0000][b]Vicious new Chinese computer virus found[/b][/color][/center]

Remember the Panda joss-stick virus case? Now that those guys have been arrested, another new virus has appeared and experts say this one is much more vicious. The Hao virus attaches itself to all the .exe files on your computer, making them appear with the Chinese character ?. If you've already been attacked by this virus, good luck. Not even professional data recovery guys are likely to be able to help you recover your files. So, boys and girls, be good and remember to update your anti-virus programmes and back up your files.


[center][color=#008000][b]China warns of a new virus [/b][/color][/center]

A PARTICULARLY NASTY computer virus has been discovered in China and the government there is warning that it could spread fast.

Although details of the Worm_Piloyd.B are fairly sketchy at the moment, it is unusual to get a virus warning from China before the rest of the world has caught it.

Surprisingly there have been no traditional messages of doom from the computer insecurity companies in Europe and the US, which normally are quick to play up the four horsemen of the apocalypse scenario about malware.

The virus infects exe, html and asp files and if the user tries to restore the files they are blocked from doing so. Notification has come from the Tianjin-based National Computer Virus Emergency Response Centre.

Worm_Piloyd.B forces the system to download other viruses from websites and is probably a recruiting tool for a botnet.

Experts suggested that computer users should update their antivirus software and use the real-time computer virus monitoring function whenever they surf the world wide web, Xinhua news agency reported. µ


[b]China anti-virus authority warn of new computer worm virus[/b]

China's anti-virus authority on Sunday warned computer users to guard against new mutation of worm virus, which could infect various documents in system.

The virus, Worm_Piloyd.B, could infect documents like exe, html and asp and prevent the system from restoring the affected documents, according to the Tianjin-based National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center.

The virus could force the system to download other viruses from designated websites, according to the center.

Experts suggested computer users update their anti-virus software and use the real-time computer virus monitoring function whenever they surf the Internet.


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