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Aman Vpn 2.1.4 Multilingual


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Aman Vpn 2.0.8 Multilingual  30.8 MB

Keeping your privacy intact when venturing out onto the Internet these days has become an increasingly challenging task. One could argue that achieving total privacy is nothing more than a vestigial, far-forgotten memory from the days when the online medium wasn't so riddled with threats and peaky eyes. Aman VPN aims at providing you with a minimalist tool for protecting your privacy, through its VPN capabilities that ensure access to a wide range of connection servers.

Basic design, which facilitates easy operation, and doesn't carry any unwanted complexity to it
The application features a really simple design, and it becomes apparent rather quickly that graphics and overall built aren't its forte. And we feel that it shouldn't necessarily be, as in this case the scope and function are somewhat more important.
However, in terms of the actual features that are present, including the toggle for the virtual private network and the selector for servers, we believe that the app could have benefitted from more functionality.
Choose one of the numerous available servers, press the connect button and you're ready to surf the Web
As stated above, the app features a good selection of servers, from a wide range of countries, this way ensuring that users have access to a wide palette of connectivity options. Furthermore, each country entry itself has multiple sub-servers, as well as an option for automated server selection, which we found to be a nice touch.
All that users need to do is to press the initialization toggle and they're good to go. Simple setup, and even simpler operation.
Simple VPN client, which although not offering groundbreaking features, does manage to do what it was meant to
Aman VPN addresses those who seek a minimalist VPN client that can help them guard their online privacy without too much fuss with regard to app configuration.
* Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version

Links are Interchangeable - No Password - Single Extraction




Stay safe

Secure internet

Biggest benefit of AmanVPN? All your data stays safe behind a wall of next-generation encryption.

Watch & download

Fastest VPN

You don't need to sacrifice speed for better security. Our virtual private network gives both.

Protect your data

Strict no-logs policy

We don't track, collect, or share your private data. It's none of our business.

Stay safe

Block malware and more

Use Threat Protection to avoid online hazards like viruses, infected websites,and trackers.

On any device

Privacy on the go

Protect your online life with one-click next-generation encryption for mobile.

Watch & download

VPN servers everywhere

Choose from 6500+ servers in 91 countries. No limits, no borders, no internet censorship.

On any device

Multiple devices

One account lets you connect up to 4 devices. Secure them all - in any combination.

Stay safe

Obfuscated servers

Hide your internet traffic and VPN connection for maximum security.

Protect your data

Mask your IP

Keep your browsing to yourself. Don't let others track any online activity.

Stay safe

Double protection

Change your IP twice and cover your web traffic with an extra layer of security.

On any device

Use with ease

It's just a click. Securing your internet connection is as simple as making your morning coffee.

Stay safe

Safe to use

Your data will never be compromised with AmanVPN. Work, browse, or use social media platforms safely.

Watch & download

Uninterrupted streaming

Bye-bye buffering.Enjoy your TV time anywhere, anytime, uninterrupted.

On any device

Browser extensions

Lightweight extensions for Chrome,Firefox, and Edge will secure your browsing instantly.

Protect your data

No data leaks

To make sure your internet traffic is fully protected, take the DNS leak test.

Watch & download

Access your content

Enjoy the full range of streaming content to which you subscribe.


Edited by semsibey
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Aman VPN 2.1.4 Multilingual + Portable


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 Installer free

 Portable Aman VPN 2.1.4 Multilingual
https://www.mirrored.to/files/1RNJ7PUA/Portable AMAN VPN 2.1.4.rar_links





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