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Digital Atmosphere Equinox V1.40d


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Dijital Atmosfer size dünyanın herhangi bir yerindeki gerçek zamanlı hava durumu ayrıntılı haritalar oluşturmanıza olanak veren güçlü bir hava tahmin programıdır. It makes extensive use of techniques and algorithms that are comparable and in some cases superior to the National Weather Service's multimillion-dollar computers. O Benzer ve bazı durumlarda Ulusal Hava Servisi's multi-dolar bilgisayarlara üstün teknikleri ve algoritmalarının geniş anlamda kullanılmıştır. It can run on any 486 or Pentium system, and uses free data from government and university sources on the Internet. Herhangi bir 486 veya Pentium sistem üzerinde çalıştırabilir ve Internet üzerinde hükümet ve üniversite kaynaklarından ücretsiz veri kullanır.

Digital Atmosphere is a powerful weather forecasting program that allows you to create detailed maps of real-time weather for anywhere in the world. It makes extensive use of techniques and algorithms that are comparable and in some cases superior to the National Weather Service's multimillion-dollar computers. It can run on any 486 or Pentium system, and uses free data from government and university sources on the Internet.

Digital Atmosphere imports and displays land synoptic (WMO FM 12 SYNOP), ship synoptic (WMO FM 13 SHIP), METAR (WMO FM 15 METAR), buoy (WMO FM 18 BUOY), upper air (WMO FM 35 TEMP), aircraft data report (ACARS) (WMO FM 42 AMDAR), NMC frontal depiction transmission format (ASUS1 KWBC), gridded binary (GRIB) (WMO FM 92-IX), NEXRAD Level III (ICD 2620001) WSR-88D NEXRAD format, Australian AXF comma-delimited observational data and similar formats, NHC Hurricane Warning bulletins, any weather agency's radar images available on the web (JPG or non-animated GIF; configuration may be required), and more!


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