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bu mesajı bir ay içinde ikinci defa alıyorum.

çevirisini yaptım ama tam anlayamadım. herhalde benimle kafa buluyorlar? ya siz ne dersiniz?

mesajın orjinali:

"Dear Sir,

I know by all standards that this mail will come to you as a surprise.Though I crave your indulgence,if this contact emberasses or offends you.

May I use this medium to introduce myself to you,my name is Barrister Adjo Koffi,a lawyer by profession.I was privledged to be a solicitor to "Mr.Vadodaria Ocak from Canada" who was an Oil consultant/contractor with the CHEVRON PETROLEUM CORPORATION here in Lome,Togo.

To butress my reason for this contact ,my late client Mr. Vadodaria Ocak died along with his entire family year 2003 in a plane crash and since I got this sad information about his death,I have made inquiries to their embassy here in search or to locate any of his Kiths or Kin without success as Mr. Ocak's family wife and two sons that were supposed to stand as his next of kin died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim of his funds now valued at US$17,483,000.00 in his account with one of the local banks here in Lome Togo.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to track his last name through internet in search of his relation and now make this business proposal to you since you bear the same last names,so that the money can be released to you as the next of kin while I back you up with all neccessary documentary evidences which the bank might require as a proof of ownership of funds.

Be rest assured that I have all the legal documentary evidences that might be needed to back you up for this inheritance claim incase if the bank ask you proof.All I want from you is your Sincerity,Honesty and full cooperation to enable us execute this project for our own mutual benefits. Please quickly get in contact with me to enable us move forward .

Bear in mind that We are going to share the money 50/50 as soon as the money is transfered and safequarded in your nominated bank account.


Barrister Adjo Koffi

Corporate Counsel"

var mı komplo teorileri olan....

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Basitçe anlatayım.Adam bir bankada bloke olan para olduğunu,o parayı senin hesaba geçerlerse sana para vereceklerini söylüyor,yersen eğer daha sonra senden yol parası,bilet parası,banka ücreti,komiyon vs adı altında para talep ediyorlar,yersen tabi,sonra da iş bitiyor seni arayan soran olmuyor.Böyle tuzaklara düşen birçok insan oldu.Yeme sakın.

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peki ben bunlara mesaj yazsam ama hiçbir şekilde para işlerine girmesem

yani her şeyi onlardan talep etsem ne olur acaba?

(komplo teorilerine devam..)

evet bu arada soy ismim OCAK

Komplo teorilerine devam diyorsun ama sende bu paraya inanma ve adamlardan bu parayı çarpma gibi bir tavır seziyorum ve bu beni düşündürüyor hacım. :D

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Dün benim Gereksiz Posta kısmını doldurmuşlar hep aynı hikaye :download1: Zenci bir kız yetimhanede büyümüş , yüklü bir miras kalmış ona bankada ama alamıyor. Parayı bana aktaracakmışta sonra %20 sini bana verecekmişte yok bilmem neler!

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