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Windows Powershell V7.2.1


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Windows PowerShell v7.1.5


Homepage: https://github.com/PowerShell/

Version History: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases


Windows PowerShell is a cross-platform automation and configuration tool/framework that works well with your existing tools and is optimized for dealing with structured data (i.e., JSON, CSV, XML, etc.), REST APIs, and object models.

Input commands and use the built-in API

The software has more than 130 commandlets (cmdlets), dedicated commands designed to utilize specific functions, which are able to carry out numerous type of jobs, from service or process administration to registry or object manipulation tasks.

Local or remote management is possible since Windows PowerShell provides access to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and Component Object Model (COM) as well. Also, the Windows PowerShell runtime can be integrated by developers in the applications they create, thanks to the hosting API included in the package.

Use debugging capabilities and create automation scripts
Creating, editing and running automation scripts can be easily done inside Windows PowerShell, especially since it offers a clean interface, that is equipped for all these tasks. Debugging is also possible and it includes breakpoint management.

All the cmdlets share the same syntax and this means that they can share information, naming conventions and more. Using Windows PowerShell you can directly handle objects of various types, or, if it is the case, send them to other databases or utilities that are meant to work with them.

Creating automation scripts and running command-line utilities for specific tasks is the main strong point of Windows PowerShell. Besides the comprehensive commandlets library, it is accompanied by the needed documentation that can help anyone understand how some functions work.
In This Release:
Telemetry Changes:
Configure ApplicationInsights to not send cloud role name (Internal 17100)

We recently became aware of an issue in PowerShell 7, which resulted in the unintentional logging of information that was outside of our documentation. In this current release, we exclude the Application Insight properties below:

Cloud role instance
Internal: Node name
What we are doing:

In addition to the product changes above, we will be publishing the specific Application Insight properties that we will use going forward, posted here.
Engine Updates and Fixes

Handle error from unauthorized access when removing AppLocker test files
Test more thoroughly whether a command is Out-Default for transcription scenarios
Handle error when the telemetry mutex cannot be created
Disallow Add-Type in NoLanguage mode on a locked down machine

Add .stylecop to filetypexml and format it
Build and Packaging Improvements:

Bump .NET SDK to 5.0.402

Documentation and Help Content
Fix example nuget.con

   Download Page: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases



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