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Found 1 result

  1. SAPIEN PowerShell Studio 2017 v5.4.136 (x86/x64) Home Page: https://www.sapien.com/software/powershell_studio SAPIEN is out to make Windows administrative tasks simpler. We offer best-of-class script editors, authoritative PowerShell books, training videos, supportive communities, and real-world training. The premier editor and tool-making environment for Windows PowerShell. - Fully-featured Windows PowerShell editor. - Visually create PowerShell GUI tools. - Convert scripts into executable (.exe) files. - Create MSI installers. - Create modules from your existing functions or help files. - Create advanced functions using the Function Builder. - Script with cmdlets from a remote machine. - Source control integration. - Integrated PowerShell consoles. (32-bit & 64-bit) - Comprehensive script debugger. - Remote debugging. - Multi-file and module debugging. - 32-bit and 64-bit PowerShell integration. - Built-in PowerShell help. - Supports Windows PowerShell 2.0 - 5.0. - Code Formatting. - Plus much more. Requirements Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows Server 2012 / Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10, 32-bit and 64-bit versions supported 200MB free disk space 2GB RAM Processor capable of running Windows 7 .NET Framework 4.5 Visual Studio 2012 Runtime 64 Bit https://www.sapien.com/download/file_2014/N2VjMGM1MTM4ZGMyYTg4NTM0NjFiYjA2YmY4NGY4ZjBhMjRkMjhmMTIyNjZiZWJhMWFhNDNiMDczZWFiYTgzZTYyMWNkMGJiMTAxNWZlYmMzMzRhMTBkMmU2OWVhZGVkNTg5MmM2OWU3MWUxYzAwZTliOGMwMjg4MmViM2Q0N2Q0Vi85UWF2Zzd6ZktCdHY1aHV4eXlWVGV2dkRST1BIY3NYZ2tGbENFSTM1QTRQbHFRMXJ1MnZrS1hiWVMwUnJ3UkFtczR6Zy9ReDNNUmd0Y1lodUMzUT09/software/2014plus veya https://cdn.sapien.com/SPS17Setup_5.4.136_022717_x64.exe?Expires=1488392332&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLMVLF3E4MRLRYTA&Signature=EHAPsQEi-2FsxvvoJZxkG1jFchg6t0QU9w14boike74~7YTTsHcZAGuplB8CThuj43S3PJjKg9IJBXp7ZK1QeY1zsTdCZpE9CEBfqu-ef0fD4lP6f7dC7PSlKPc4QJF2-5HRH1jSeT5kVQ4jwwRufZ66uzpTBPANL1bR4X8DSgc_ 32 Bit https://www.sapien.com/download/file_2014/ZmE1OWNlN2FmMDUxOTczMTM4MTZiNGFhOTk0MDY4MmMzNGQ0YWFmZmU2YjdkNjJkOWQ0Yzg3ZmY2Zjc5NDM4MTEzNTRjMzdiOGM1NmUyNTZkOGU3NWE0ZTkwZDc3OWY4ZGZmOGEzZDUxOTE4NTUwNDdhNGQ0OWU1N2VhOTY0MTVVbUlaZHFnNFBOZjNWUngyMVdlWVhzYWJPWW1JR3NjMFArbUVqb3NOYkZJbFFSY2tjbFFtVGR4Y2pySDA1S3JpdXV4RUMwWjEzc3ZXbmppV2ROOFpFZz09/software/2014plus veya https://cdn.sapien.com/SPS17Setup_5.4.136_022717_x86.exe?Expires=1488392431&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLMVLF3E4MRLRYTA&Signature=qfVROyzKh3J73Tmwr3r7D8~KO2xAJ7x7zw5Bc5FeNlJ3siSfq8TTTj3Bvr3lH-3j65h8AnmeWh1SZlUpYWWpE9VQr6iPiv92ybfDvIp~1jY8ah38-AMc9O9da9tHUfHqYw8gsAnVKMHddm1eoHa333j7in~4Bix3wMWO9gtgvsE_ Key v17 17-SPS-0317-CRU34-BA0DC-14C12-9EE4F-81F36-EDB27 veya 17-SPS-0317-CSQ4C-FA5D6-1EE10-80F72-16B88-03C5E Key v16 16-SPS-0317-CRQ2C-SE5DF-14BD6-56DE3-FC394-EDF6F
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