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Posts posted by fripis

    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]DbVisualizer Pro 9.1.10[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    DbVisualizer is the universal database tool for developers,  DBAs and analysts. It is the perfect solution since the same tool can be used on all major operating systems accessing a wide range of databases.
    DbVisualizer Pro
    Extends the Free edition with a collection of productivity features such as:
    Edit Table Data
    Auto Completion support in the SQL editor
    Visual Create/Alter Table support
    Execution of multi statement SQL scripts
    Charting of data
    Management of BLOB/CLOB data
    Export Schema/Database
    Import data from CSV files
    Query Builder
    Foreign Key Data Navigator
    Explain plan support
    Management of views, triggers, summary tables, synonyms, functions, procedures, system tables, triggers, columns primary keys, privileges, constraints, references, DDL, program, modules, data files, table spaces, etc.
    [B]Compatibility: [/B] OS X 10.5
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [COLOR="#006400"][B][SIZE=3]Cluster 1.7.2 [k'ed][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
    Clusters is a background file compressor, which uses FS-compression technology to transparently compress the folders you configure it to process. OS X will read those files normally, they will just take less disk space.
    [B]What's New Version 1.7.2:[/B]
    Fixed a couple of issues with the menu icon when running on OS X 10.9.
    Important: Running Clusters version 1.6.x (or earlier) on OS X 10.9 may trigger a serious incompatibility problem that could cause some of your files to appear as if they had zero bytes (your data is still there, though; it just looks like it cannot be accessed). If you used an old version of Clusters in any of the Mavericks developer betas and run into this issue, 
    The menu icon can be hidden again.
    When using multiple displays, the menu icon no longer appears several times.
    OS X 10.6 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"] Butler 4.1.18 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Butler makes it easier for you to perform a wide variety of potentially recurring tasks. Just arrange these tasks in Butler's fully customizable configuration and assign one or more triggers to a task.
    Available Triggers:
    freely configurable system-wide menus in your menu bar/Butler's docklet
    freely configurable pop-up menus -- triggered via hot key or hot corner (see below)
    abbreviations -- e.g., enter "qt" to launch QuickTime Player
    hot keys -- e.g., hit [F1] make iTunes switch to the next track
    hot corners -- e.g., [shift]-[right mouse button click] in the lower left corner of your screen to pop up a menu that lists all system preference panes
    events -- e.g., launch iChat when Butler starts up and the [option] key is not held
    Possible Tasks:
    launch applications
    open files
    access preference panes
    manage bookmarks
    search the web
    run AppleScripts
    extend the pasteboard
    enter text snippets
    simulate keystrokes
    control iTunes
    [B]What's New Version 4.1.18:[/B]
    Prepared for upcoming Gatekeeper changes.
    OS X 10.7 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Araxis Merge 2014 (4459)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Araxis Merge is the two- and three-way visual file comparison/merging and folder synchronization application. Use it to compare, understand and combine different versions of source code, Web pages and other text files, or even text copied and pasted from another application (e.g., Pages or Microsoft Word). Merge integrates with Time Machine, so you can compare older versions of files.
    Merge is a compelling choice for software developers, lawyers, product release managers, Web designers and other professionals who work with multiple revisions of text files, including ASCII, MBCS and Unicode files. Merge integrates with many version control (VC) and software configuration management (SCM) systems (e.g. Subversion and Perforce) that allow a third-party comparison/merging tool to be specified.
    For legal professionals: instantly identify every change by copying text from different contract drafts being edited in another application (such as Microsoft Word) and pasting it directly into a file comparison window. Many more features.
    [B]What's New Version 2014.4459:[/B]
    The Merge major version has been updated to 2014 to reflect the year of release.
    Dropping two or three folders on to a text comparison now opens a new folder comparison, rather than giving an error.
    Dropping one or more files on to a folder comparison results in an appropriate file comparison being opened, rather than giving an error.
    The user is expressly alerted if conflicts are detected in a three-way automatic file merge.
    The Open new comparisons in a tabbed window option on the General preference page has been renamed to Open new comparisons in a tab to more clearly reflect its purpose.
    HTML comparison reports now merely mention that a modern, standards-compliant browser is required to view them. Previously, specific browsers were named.
    On the Syntax Highlighting preference page, the syntactic elements for each language family are now sorted alphabetically.
    The Upgrading Merge or Installing Newer Builds page has been updated.
    The URL for the Generic Syntax Highlighting page has been updated for consistency with the Merge for Windows documentation.
    The registration window is now centred by default.
    References to the AraxisMergeCMP.plugin plugin specific to OS X 10.6 have been removed from the documentation.
    Working copies are again editable when files are opened from Subversion using the araxissvndiff utility.
    The left and right arrow keys no longer exhibit undersired behaviour in certain circumstances when the text cursor is positioned directly at the end of a line in a text comparison.
    The time taken to select rows of a specific type (e.g. changed, inserted, removed) in large folder comparisons has been significantly reduced under OS X 10.9.
    The Previous Change button no longer fails to function in binary file comparisons under certain circumstances.
    In the Japanese localization of Merge user interface, the colour buttons on the Fonts/Colours folder comparison preference page now work.
    Opening a saved comparison for a second time after previously opening and then refreshing it no longer gives an error.
    The duplicate Use filter programs in folder comparisons option has been removed from the File Types preference page. This option now appears on the Scan preference page.
    On the Display preference page, the Break changes into individual lines option is now disabled when the mutually exclusive Don’t show changes within lines option is checked.
    The positioning of the Use filter programs in folder comparisons option on the Scan preference page has been adjusted.
    The Click here to renew support/updates notification message link has been fixed.
    OS X 10.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Whoosh 2.0.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Whoosh is a client for Amazon SES, Simple Email Service. Whoosh allows import of email lists and sending of bulk email (including HTML mail).
    [B]What's New Version 2.0.2:[/B]
    Moderinized UI
    HTML email templates
    Data import assistant
    Now download list data directly from a remote URL!
    OS X 10.10 Yosemite-ready
    OS X 10.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]TransType 4.0.1[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    TransType is a small Mac application which can convert Type 1 and TrueType fonts between the Mac and PC. Unlike other programs of this kind, TransType does the conversion with full respect to codepages, encodings, font suitcases, bitmap fonts, and other features specific to the Mac or PC platform. Allowing you to convert fonts in batch mode (two-way conversion is possible as one operation) and producing absolutely correct fonts, TransType can be used to produce production-quality fonts.
    [B]What's New Version 4.0.1: [/B]
    Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
    OS X 10.6.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Time Sink 1.2.3 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Time Sink watches how you use your Mac, recording the time spent in each window and program -- whether that be foreground or background time. You can view and export reports, exclude apps and windows, and group related tasks together into one pool, which is then tracked as a single object. Can be run as a normal application, or a menu-bar-only program.
    [B]What's New Version 1.2.3:[/B]
    Modified some interface elements in preparation for Yosemite (OS X 10.10).
    Prepared for upcoming Gatekeeper changes.
    OS X 10.7 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Periscope Pro 2.0.2  [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    With breakthrough features like Motion and Sound Activation, Automatic Setup for IP Cameras, and an In-App Clip Library, Periscope Pro introduces a powerful, new generation of surveillance apps for OSX.
    Use your built-in camera/microphone, USB remote camera/microphone, or an IP Camera wherever there is an Internet or Ethernet LAN connection, to monitor & record anything – your desk, front door, filing cabinet, vacation house, or anything else, including who is using your Mac.
    With its sophisticated motion and sound detection systems, you only record when there is something to see – fewer clips to sort through, less storage used. You can also record continuously. Clips are stored on your Mac for viewing and can be automatically upload to Dropbox so you can see what’s happening from anywhere with any device!
    IP Cameras are notoriously hard to setup, but with Periscope Pro it’s fast and easy and automatic – just input the camera’s address and model, and we do the rest. The setup screen preview window let’s you see what’s happening as you are working – no flipping between screens to do the setup.
    If you need to monitor covertly, using a USB or IP camera let’s you separate the camera from your Mac – no telltale green light - and hide the camera anywhere.
    Finding and viewing the clip you want is fast and easy. The integrated, one-click Clip Library has a large, full-screen expandable viewing window with clip thumbnails/details in a scrollable frame on the right - click on a clip and it instantly starts running in the viewing window.
    With Periscope Pro you can:
    - watch your kids, pets or aging parents
    - keep an eye on the refrigerator - be sure your partner is on his diet
    - monitor an office in another city, country or continent
    - check on the babysitter or nanny
    - keep an eye on your personal papers and your Mac
    - monitor your storage unit, boat, motorcycle, or camper
    - catch a volcano erupting, a shooting star, or whales breeching by connecting to a public IP Camera
    - monitor you're your home office when you are away
    - keep an eye on your server room
    Features & Benefits
    - Easy-to-use, sets up in less than 1 minute
    - IP Camera support
    * Auto or manual setup
    * Setup window preview to see how it’s working
    - Multiple operating modes – Motion Detection, Audio Detection, Both or Continuous
    - Motion Detection
    * Set sensitivity level– ignore or detect small movements like the wind ruffling a curtain.
    - Audio Detection
    * Set sensitivity level – ignore or detect quite sounds like a pet walking
    - Real-time interactive activation adjustment – set motion/audio activation sensitivity using level monitors in the in-screen monitor window
    * See levels change as you move/speak
    * Pick exactly the trigger points you want – no trial and error guessing
    - Auto-send clips to your Dropbox account – view clips from anywhere on any device
    - Record with or without sound
    - Record with or without Timestamps for any camera – built-in, remote or IP
    - Sleek new user interface – easy to use and pleasing to the eye
    - Covert Operation
    * App can be hidden from users
    * Operates with screensaver or even with screen-off
    - Set preferences for any camera in the same window – built-in, external, IP Camera
    - Wide range of recording formats – 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 960x720, 1280x960, 1600x1200
    - Multiple frames/second options – 1, 5, 10, 15, 25
    - Highly resource efficient – 30% more efficient than most others
    - Optimally compresses clips to minimize storage
    - User-controlled clip storage – any folder, any device
    - Stores clips by time and date – fast access in scrollable thumbnail window
    - In-app clip library & viewer
    - Can be activated at login, launch or from the control panel
    - Does not interfere with other auto-launch apps
    - Can be password protected
    - 24/7 support response in 1 hour or less, GUARANTEED
    [B]What's New in Version 2.0.2[/B]
    Added option to horizontally flip frames.
    Updated camera list. 
    Improved support for Foscam cameras. 
    Added support for Digest access authentication.
    Added automatic detection of authentication type.
    [B]Compatibility:[/B] OS X 10.8 or later, 64-bit processor
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]PeakHour 2.1.5 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    PeakHour is a beautiful, network traffic visualiser that lives in your Mac OS menu bar. It provides an instant view of your Internet or WiFi activity in real-time. 
    PeakHour is perfect for monitoring your network devices: Internet, WiFi, NAS, servers and more. PeakHour gives you a real-time visual view of how much bandwidth your devices are using.
    PeakHour can also track individual total usage (optionally over an automatically reset monthly period), and can also track your Internet usage if you're on a capped or limited monthly allowance. 
    Some uses for PeakHour:
    - Monitor your Internet usage in real-time.
    - Help determine the optimum placement of your Wireless Access Point for maximum performance or troubleshoot slow WiFi.
    - Track how much Internet data you're using to make sure you don't go over your monthly allowance.
    - Help troubleshoot Internet performance problems and slowdowns.
    - Check your ISP is providing the speeds you're paying for.
    - Monitor the performance of your network and connected devices: NAS, servers and other network devices.
    ? Can monitor any capable, SNMP-enabled or UPnP-enabled device. Note if you are unsure if you device supports these things. download the free PeakHour Compatibility Check tool (see the sidebar).
    ? Monitor multiple devices at once.
    ? Drop-down display showing real-time upload / download graph and router information.
    ? Detailed usage summary means your monthly consumption is always available at a glance.
    ? Configuration Assistant makes it easy to set up your various devices to monitor.
    ? Configurable display:
    - Units (eg. MB/sec vs Mbit/sec)
    - Scale (Automatic or fixed)
    - Graph smoothing
    - Graph colors
    - Lots more
    ? Optimised for Retina displays.
    ? Fully supports Mac OS X 10.9 "Mavericks"
    PeakHour requires SNMP or UPnP to be supported on enabled in order to monitor a device. We have created the PeakHour Compatibility Check tool to help you determine if your device(s) work with PeakHour. Grab it from the Mac AppStore (it's free) before purchasing if you are unsure.
    PLEASE if you are having problems with PeakHour interacting with your router, contact us so that we can assist you. We have a growing troubleshooting FAQ and extensive documentation at support.peakhourapp.com and we're always available at [email][email protected][/email].
    Note if you're having trouble and choose to leave a review rather than get in contact with us directly, we cannot help you as AppStore reviews are anonymous.
    [B]What's New in Version 2.1.5[/B]
    - Bug fixes.
    [B]Compatibility: [/B]OS X 10.6.6 or later, 64-bit processor
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Name Mangler 3.3.1 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Name Mangler (was File List) is an Easy-to-use batch file re-namer.
    If you need to rename several files at once, this is the application you have always been looking for. Name Mangler is a batch file renamer that supports the following renaming tasks: Find and Replace (including support for regular expressions); Number Sequentially; Change Case; Set Extension; Add Prefix/Suffix; Remove/Insert Characters.
    Moreover, you can combine all of these using the Advanced renaming mode, which even comes with some extra features, such as conditional statements, nested counters, and more.
    But Name Mangler is more than just one versatile renaming utility - it's an infinite number of task-specific renaming utilities: Name Mangler's Droplets make it ridiculously easy to store configurations and use those repeatedly for different, alternating purposes. Just drop your files on them.
    [B]What's New Version 3.3.1:[/B]
    Allows renaming of locked files, via a dialog asking for permission to do so.
    Added accessibility descriptions for the file list and renamer configuration area, for those who use VoiceOver.
    Modified some interface elements in preparation for Yosemite (OS X 10.10).
    Prepared for upcoming Gatekeeper changes.
    OS X 10.7 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]MenuTab Pro for Facebook 6.4 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    This is the Pro version of the best Mac app for Facebook with these amazing extra features: Color-coded menubar alerts, Desktop mode with chat, Popup notifications, Stealth mode, Full screen support and much more!
    MenuTab Pro for Facebook is an incredibly slick and gorgeous app for quickly accessing your Facebook account directly from your Mac's menu bar. It is one of the most popular and actively used apps on the entire Mac App Store, with over 2 million happy users!
    [B]What's New in Version 6.4[/B]
    - Optimizations for future compatibility
    [B]Compatibility: [/B]OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]MailTab Pro for Gmail 6.6 [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    This is the Pro version of the best Mac app for Gmail with these amazing extra features: Unread mail count in menubar, Desktop mode with attachments, Google chat, Popup notifications, Stealth mode, Full screen support and much more! 
    MailTab Pro for Gmail is an incredibly slick and gorgeous app for quickly accessing your Gmail account directly from your Mac's menu bar. Join over half a million happy users who rely on MailTab Pro for all their Gmail needs!
    Why is MailTab Pro the best Mac app for your Gmail needs? Good question, allow us to explain just how fully loaded this app is: 
    ? Instant access to Gmail via your Mac's menu bar: 
    Quickly take a peak at your Gmail account at the click of a button and also via its customisable hot key (ctrl + G). 
    ? Awesome menu bar notification with customizable audio alerts: 
    We've made it really simple to know when you've got an unread email via a vivid red menu bar icon. 
    ? Choose between desktop & mobile modes: 
    Want a no-nonsense clean cut view of your Gmail account? Then the mobile mode is your best bet. For those that want the full Gmail experience, just toggle over to the desktop mode and enjoy. 
    ? Popup notifications support: 
    Our customers asked for it and we delivered. You can enable a popup notification for every time you receive a new email with information on who the sender is and what the subject of the mail is. 
    ? Google Talk support: 
    Google Talk chat support with all the trimmings, just like it is in your web browser :) 
    ? Ninja stealth mode: 
    Use the nifty opacity control slider to determine the transparency of your MailTab Pro app window. Stealth mode lets you sneakily check on your Gmail inbox, chat, menus etc, without grabbing the attention of others. 
    ? Resizable window: 
    Just as it states, resize the tab/window to your liking! 
    ? Slick touch gestures support: 
    One of our most loved features, feel right at home with touch gestures support for back/forward and scrolling. 
    ? Fullscreen support for OS X Lion users: 
    The full Gmail experience with no distractions - you're going to love it. 
    ? Accessibility options: 
    Customise the font size, use the right click menu options such as text to speech and make life easier with standard hotkeys like cmd + R to refresh. Ah, it's the small things that make us happy :) 
    ? Regular free updates: 
    MailTab Pro will be very actively maintained and updated on a regular basis! Please spread the word and keep sending us your feedback! 
    Helpful Hint: ? 
    Open the Preferences menu to configure settings such as Notifications, Appearance and more. 
    Legal Note: 
    - MailTab is a 3rd party application for Gmail and is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Google Inc. 
    - Gmail and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google Inc.
    [B]What's New in Version 6.6[/B]
    - Optimizations for future compatibility
    [B]Compatibility:[/B] OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Downie 1.7[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Downie is a super-easy-to-use video downloader, supporting YouTube, Vimeo, and over 530 other sites. It doesn't bother the user with a plethora of options - it just does its job!
    Supports many sites - currently supports over 530 different sites (including YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) and the number is rapidly growing.
    4K video YouTube support - unlike many other YouTube downloaders, Downie supports HD video on YouTube, up to 4K.
    Postprocessing - need your video in MP4 for iTunes? Or want just the audio track? No problem, Downie can handle this for you automatically!
    Quick support - I respond to emails usually within 24 hours and often add support for requested sites in the next update.
    Frequent updates - Don't wait weeks for new sites to be supported, or bugs to be fixed! Downie is updated about once a week with new features, sites supported, etc.
    [B]Requirements [/B]
    OS X 10.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]DjVu Viewer 2.1.0[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Enolsoft DjVu Viewer is a simple yet useful utility to help you easily open and read DjVu files,and convert DjVu to PDF or image format.
    Features Hihglight:
    * Easily and quickly open high res DjVu files on Mac.
    * Read DjVu files with single, continuous, or 2-up page display.
    * Zoom-in, Zoom-out, or Rotate to read the DjVu files the way you like.
    * Bookmark the current page or print the DjVu files.
    * Convert DjVu files to a Mac compatible PDF format for easy sharing with others.
    * Save an opened DjVu file as image files like JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, and GIF.
    * Convert DjVu to plain text format on Mac.
    [B]What's New in Version 2.1.0[/B]
    1. Optimized the speed when opening DjVu files.
    2. Other minor bug fixes.
    [B]Compatibility:[/B] OS X 10.6 or later, 64-bit processor
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Desktop Curtain 3.0.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Desktop Curtain is a simple tool to hide the clutter on your desktop, and help you focus on the task at hand. It's perfect for teachers, presenters, writers, developers, and anyone else that hates clutter and/or needs to take screenshots with clean background images. 
    Why waste time moving files and folders on and off of your desktop when Desktop Curtain can make things look spotless in a jiffy?
    Desktop Curtain lets you set images via drag-and-drop or the standard file dialog, and it will remember your 10 most-recently-used images.
    You can also control at what "level" the image floats (and hence, how much stuff it covers), and whether it affects all monitors or just one (the same for Spaces, too).
    You can use Desktop Curtain to focus only on the frontmost application, too -- or even the frontmost window, to really narrow your focus.
    Desktop Curtain also runs in three modes, including a fully-invisible mode perfect for those who take screenshots.oh
    [B]What's New in Version 3.0.2[/B]
    • Modified some interface elements in preparation for upcoming OS X releases.
    • Prepared for security changes in future OS X releases.
    [B]Compatibility: [/B]OS X 10.7 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Blogo 2.0 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Blogo is the easiest and fastest way to write, publish and manage multiple blogs. Blogo gathered features for a powerful solution and helps users to publish and create content easily. It makes it possible to manage multiple blogs at the same time, edit pictures with a built-in image editor, preview your posts on real-time, manage comments, and work without wifi connection using the offline mode. We help bloggers to achieve their best performance. You will love it. From power bloggers looking for productivity, to hobbyists looking for an intuitive and focused interface, our app surprises by it's simplicity but powerful productive workflow.
    Offline mode Blogo's offline mode allows you to write even when you're not connected to the internet. All the content you're creating while offline will be saved so you can publish as soon as you get back online.
    Image editor Get visual and easily add images to your post. Even better, edit them using our built-in editor. You can crop, adjust and apply filters to them.
    Live preview Blogo smartly recognizes your theme and live preview will always show exactly how your post will look before you publish it.
    Smart sync with Evernote Access your drafts from anywhere. Blogo brings you a perfect integration with Evernote so you can easily manage, organize and check out your ideas and publish them anytime.
    [B]What's New Version 2.0: [/B]
    Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
    OS X 10.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Alfred Powepack 2.4 (279) [k'ed][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/B]
    There’s a point where an add-on becomes almost intrinsically linked to an operating system; you even get a little itchy when that add-on isn’t running. That’s pretty much how Alfred makes us feel whenever we restart a Mac and a little bowler hat isn’t present in the menu bar.
    On the surface, it’s admittedly hard to see what all the fuss is about. In its free incarnation, Alfred is essentially an alternative to Spotlight. You use Command-space to bring up a floating window, type a term, get a results list, and select an item to launch it. But almost immediately, you notice the add-on’s benefits over Apple’s tool. First, it’s a lot faster. Second, it doesn’t reorder the results list as you’re navigating it, thereby eradicating accidental launches. There are compromises, notably in Alfred being more focused in its searches (for example, you must use the “open” keyword to get a file list—by default, the general search only accesses apps, contacts, and preferences), but the experience is almost always superior.
    The free version adds some extra features, including a powerful web search, Dictionary app access, and calculations. But buying the Powerpack unleashes Alfred’s true power. On doing so, you can perform actions on items you find — moving, copying, deleting, or emailing files without touching Finder. You can browse directories and peruse your (text-only) clipboard history. This will be familiar territory to long-time Alfred users, but the update feels faster and more stable. Importantly, it also brings major new features: themes are created within Alfred’s preferences by using a slightly opaque but nonetheless simple interface, and they’re easily shared. Workflows are similar in nature to Automator, letting you create and perform both simple and complex task flows, all within the context of Alfred. Several examples are built in, and many more free workflows exist online.
    It’s to Alfred’s credit that what could have been a confusing mess feels so friendly. The search window is bold and usable, and although there are dozens of menus and checkboxes in the tools’ preferences, Alfred is an app that rewards the inquisitive rather than baffling anyone willing to venture beyond the surface. A nicely designed usage graph lurking within the preferences is essentially a summation of the entire product—something that’s a touch geeky (who really needs to know how often they’ve triggered Alfred’s hotkeys?) but welcoming to all (ah, that’d be us).
    [B]Version 2.4 [/B]
    OS X Yosemite Compatibility, Alfred 2 officially supports Apple's upcoming operating system
    Updated Alfred preferences framework to provide a unified synced / non synced preference codebase for Alfred, giving better reliability
    Add new default OS X Yosemite Light and Dark themes
    Sharper status bar icon which respects Yosemite theming
    Add the experimental default window blur into appearance > options, no longer a preferences hack
    Add Helvetica Neue and Helvetica Neue Light to Alfred's theme editor selection
    Don't sync window position as different Macs may have very different location requirements
    Fix quirky footer text in theme editor when cycling through options such as fonts
    Update Alfred to use Helvetica Neue for built in default themes and a number of views across the app
    Update the "Show Result Subtext" appearance settings and add in a few nice new options such as only show subtext for selected row, or only show for alternative (modifier) actions
    Add a 'show subtext' modifier option in Alfred's advanced preferences. This allows to peak at the default subtext, e.g. file path, if the subtext is hidden in the theme
    When Large Type is showing, make cmd+c copy the visible text to the clipboard, then hide and deactivate Alfred
    New option to fuzzy match file system navigation results, on by default in Alfred's Features > File Search > Navigation options
    Add some useful alfred_ variables to the script environment to help get commonly required Alfred information.
    Add http_proxy and https_proxy support (option in Alfred's advanced preferences) for workflows
    Add the proxy exception list to workflow script environment as no_proxy variable
    Prevent update type from being greyed out when disabling auto updates
    Add a placeholder page in Alfred's preferences for Alfred Remote
    Escape pipe symbol in folder names for the "Open Terminal Here" action
    More robust nil checking when searching for snippets when doing placeholder replacements
    Fix failure moving / copying a file when name contains grave accent
    Diacritic insensitive genre searching in iTunes mini player
    improve handling of double tap hotkey combos to prevent accidental triggering
    Prevent smart substitutions in workflow Terminal Command and Copy to Clipboard object editors
    Prevent right click table popups when sheets are visible in preferences
    Better dialog feedback on sync folder selection (e.g. when folder is already in use)
    More reliable mechanism for reshowing preferences on restart (i.e. when re-setting sync folder)
    Make clipboard history activation / watching more robust, improving performance
    Don't persist internal clipboard items when clip history is disabled
    Tweak vertical position of result text when subtext isn't visible
    Update DuckDuckGo logo to latest design in default web searches
    [B]Compatibility: [/B] 
    Intel, 64-bit processor
    OS X 10.6 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE="3"][COLOR="Green"]Translation 1.3[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Translation is a handy little app that takes care of all your language translation needs. The app lives in your Mac's menubar and is instantly available at the click of a button. Searching the web for translation services will be a thing of the past once you make the switch to Translation.
    Here is what Translation offers:
    ? Beautiful pixel perfect design which is retina-ready
    ? Extremely ease to use interface that is slick and clutter-free
    ? Ability to make translations in dozens of languages such as English, German, French Spanish and many more!
    ? Anchor button to make the app visible above all other apps, allowing you to easily copy and paste content into the app quickly
    ? Opacity control to adjust the transparency of the app window
    We hope Translation becomes a useful and important addition to your collection of handy utility apps. We plan on a very active development cycle, so please spread the word and keep sending us your feedback! Thanks :)
    [B]What's New in Version 1.3[/B]
    - Optimizations for future compataibility
    [B]Compatibility: [/B]OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]TotalFinder 1.6.7[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    TotalFinder is a universally acclaimed navigational companion for your Mac. Enhance your Mac's Finder with features so smart and convenient, you won't believe you ever lived without them.
    Tab-based interface
    Say goodbye to scattered, disorganized Finder windows. TotalFinder merges everything into a workflow-friendly, tab-based layout.
    System-wide access
    With TotalFinder, convenience is key: With the stroke of a hot-key, it's available instantly, system-wide.
    Helpful tweaks
    TotalFinder's Folders on Top feature takes file organization to a new level. Just click the option in the Preferences menu and your much-needed folders will automatically be prioritized in every window.
    Reduce clutter
    OS X's Finder has a bad habit of cluttering your system with hidden attribute files. TotalFinder emphasizes cleanliness, eliminating superfluous files and freeing up valuable storage space.
    OS X 10.8 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    PASS: frit
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Topaz Adjust 5.1.0[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    The award-winning Topaz Adjust adds a dash of magic to your photography. Get amazing photos that you would never be able to otherwise. Apply anything from simple photo enhancements to complete stylistic makeovers. Discover how you can make your photos unique with one of the most versatile and powerful photo editing tools available.
    Our unique adaptive exposure technology is magic for your photos 
    Topaz Adjust uses histogram information from the entire image to determine the best way to process contrast and exposure. This process gets you fantastic results that just aren't possible anywhere else.
    Stunning detail enhancement helps draw people into your photos 
    This isn't your ordinary run-of-the-mill sharpening. Topaz Adjust can bring out details that you couldn't even see before. Accentuate natural detail in your images to get far more powerful photography.
    Intelligent color enhancement gives you a dazzling variety of color effects 
    Go far beyond simple hue, saturation, and luminance with Topaz Adjust's adaptive color technology. Intelligently enhance color to make your photos more exciting and vibrant without over-saturating or turning them into cartoons.
    OS X 10.6 or later
    One of the following:
    Adobe Photoshop CS3 or later
    Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 or later
    Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 or later
    Apple Aperture 2 or later
    Apple iPhoto (all versions)
    Corel PaintShop Pro or PhotoImpact
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Together 3.2.2 (Mac OS X)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Together helps you organize your Mac, giving you the ability to store, edit and preview your files in a single clean, uncluttered interface. 
    Smart storage. With simple drag-and-drop functionality, Together lets you gather up images, text, bookmarks, and files for safekeeping. With built-in note-taking capabilities and easy inter-app file transfers, take control of cluttered, disorganized groups of files and restore them to a state of order and manageability. 
    Previewing and editing. Together can edit and preview a wide range of filetypes, and seamlessly incorporates QuickView for everything else. File editing is always a double-click away, and your changes are automatically synchronized. 
    Organization, optimized. If you are tired of dealing with scatterbrained systems of files and folders, Together's refreshing, iTunes-like interface will help you breathe easy. Organize items into groups and folders, add color-coded tags and labels, and even generate Smart Groups to bring new levels of order and control to your files. 
    Dynamic searching. With Together, searching your files is never limited to a single term: an integrated Find Bar offers fine-tuned searching, and intra-file search capabilities let you dig even deeper for the information you need.
    [B]What's New Version 3.2.2:[/B]
    Hold on Option to choose or create a library at startup.
    Fixed a problem where external file changes wouldn't be reflected back in the app.
    Notes are now only automatically named the first time they are saved.
    Improved error handling when converting encrypted files from earlier versions.
    Fixed a problem where the "Show Ruler in New Notes" setting would not be used.
    Intel, 64-bit processor
    OS X 10.9 or later
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Rar Sharp 1.3 [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Rar Sharp is a simple, practical decompression software, can fast, simple and efficient extracting file its easy-to-use interface, personalized settings let you easily office.
    * Supports to unzip password protected RAR files .
    * Double click to BROWSE images and PREVIEW files inside an archive without extracting. 
    * Supports to automatic mode and manual mode with personalized settings.
    * Supports to drag and drop files directly to the Finder to decompress from the list view
    *Supports to drag drop multiple files and uncompress at a time.
    *Supports to decompress selected certain files or parts of one given compressed file 
    *Supports automatic encoding and select the file encoding (default auto-coding)
    *Supported unzip formats: rar, zip, gzip, tar, cbz, cbr, gz, tgz, bz, bz2 ,tgz2 ,tbz.
    *Supported compression formats: zip
    [B]What's New in Version 1.3[/B]
    *Improved stability and bug fixes.
    [B]Compatibility:[/B] OS X 10.6 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]Piezo 1.2.6[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    Piezo makes it a snap to record audio on your Mac. In seconds, you'll be recording audio from any application or from audio inputs like microphones. Piezo requires almost no configuration, and it's a blast to use! Simple and inexpensive - that's a winning combination.
    [B]What's New Version 1.2.6:[/B]
    An emergency update, necessitated by immediate changes Apple has made to their Gatekeeper system, restores compatibility on OS X 10.9.5 and higher.
    A few small bugs have been fixed.
    OS X 10.7 or later
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
    [B][SIZE=3][COLOR="#006400"]MailTags 4.0.0[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
    MailTags lets you add comments, due dates, project notes and priority rankings to your messages, all without leaving your Inbox!
    MailTags is a feature-packed companion to Apple Mail:
    Integrated interface. Add tagged keywords, project notes, and priority rankings through a convenient side panel.
    iCal support. Create synchronized ToDos and Events in iCal directly from Mail.
    IMAP support. Sync your tags with your IMAP server for access across multiple computers.
    Helpful list display. Display your tags in extra columns in your message list so you can track due dates as they approach.
    Customize Mail rules. Create smart rules for automatic tagging of new messages.
    Mail search integration. Search your tags from Mail's search field. Narrow the search by keywords, projects or notes.
    Smart Mailbox integration. Build smart mailboxes for searching your messages by keywords, projects, and due dates.
    Applescript compatible. Construct Applescript work flows for accessing your MailTags data for use them in other applications.
    [B]What's New Version 4.0:[/B]
    Full OS X 10.9 Mavericks compatibilty
    OS X Yosemite compability as a free upgrade this fall. (Beta builds are available at http://www.indev.ca/yosemitebeta/prereleases.php)
    Full Gmail Label compatibility. See and edit your labels on your messages - no more "label mailboxes"
    Finder Tags (OS X 10.9): Coordinate your keyword tags with Finder Tags in OS 10.9 Mavericks
    Hosted Keywords
    Access read only tags shared from a web site
    Drag and drop tagging Quickly tag emails by dragging messages to MailTags keyword and project mailboxes
    Improved followup & reply workflows. Simply tag your composed message with a specific keyword, and MailTags will recognize and auto tag replies
    OS X 10.7 or later
    Apple Mail
    [SIZE=3][B]Download [/B][/SIZE]
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